Pipe water in the condo, finally, but 1 more obstacles before reaching the flat – News2IN

Pipe water in the condo, finally, but 1 more obstacles before reaching the flat

Pipe water in the condo, finally, but 1 more obstacles before reaching the flat
Written by news2in

Gurugram: almost four years after occupants began living in new sectors near the Dwarka Expressway and after missing a number of deadlines, the Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) on Monday finally launched a pipe water supply connection for sector 81 to 99.
The old step was Awaited this.
It is expected to be paved by the housing community in the first example.
However, this does not seem to happen because of ambiguity to who will raise the bill.
This ambiguity is more in the community where RWA has taken partial maintenance of private developers and facing the bankruptcy process.
To get a connection, the housing community needs to pay around RS 3-4 Lakh to GMDA as a basic cost.
Regardless of this number, the costs must also be issued for placing pipes and related infrastructure from the community to the main line.
Amit Shekhar, Vice President of Rwa Sector Vipul Lavanya 81, “There is no money with RWA and developers are not ready to submit a connection and bear the costs involved in placing the pipeline.
The authorities need to make it mandatory for the builder to get a water connection because we have paid the development fee External and internal (EDC & IDC) to developers.
“However, representatives of the developer stated that they had sent an application for water connection with GMDA.
The same thing is the case with some other communities.
In fact, some private developers have not even save EDC with the government and GMDA officials it is very clear that until the full EDC is not stored, they will not provide water connections.
“We have been looking for clarity from the developer whether he has applied for a water connection or not, knowing the fact that he has not deposited the EDC with the government.
Even if we want to submit a connection on behalf of Rwa, we cannot do it, because the EDC is delayed,” said the population The community in sector 83.
According to a regulatory book, it is the responsibility of private developers to apply for water connections, but in many cases, they do not want to do it and want Rwa to walk on foot.
“It is the responsibility of private developers to register and pay for connections,” said Senior DTCP official to Ti.
In cases where the community is under the bankruptcy process, a temporary resolution professional has been entrusted with the task of getting a water connection.
“Because our project faces the bankruptcy process, we have asked for our RWA to facilitate water relations with GMDA, through IRP,” said Praveen Malik, a resident of Sare, sector 92.
In some communities, the process of getting a water connection will likely be more delayed The ongoing law between RWA and developers.
Pradeep Kumar, Head of the GMDA engineer, said, “If we accept worries from Rwas, we will take it with the authorities concerned.” According to GMDA, it will take around two weeks to provide water connections after the application is submitted for approval.
So far, only receives two applications.

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