A 31-year-old man failed to return the money to the lender, stabbed – News2IN

A 31-year-old man failed to return the money to the lender, stabbed

Written by news2in

Letter: A 31-year-old man was stabbed by moneylenders after he failed to return the money he borrowed.
The case of attempts for murders was registered at the Sartha police station after Vitthal Pansuriya’s victim’s father filed a bestry complaint, which was money.
Ketan works as a scouring diamond in a local unit and lives with family.
On Friday night Bagnaniya went to Pansuriya’s house and asked Vitthal to send sticky rice to meet him at the main gate of the community.
After a few things the neighbors told Vitthal that someone beat his son.
Because Vitthal rushed to the main gate of the community, he saw Banhaniya piercing sticky rice and escaped from the place.
Vitthal and neighbors rushed to the nearest hospital.
The doctor’s duty told me that sticky rice was in critical condition after being stabbed five times in the stomach.
After being told, Sarthana police also reached the hospital.
The police have ordered Bijhaniya to try to kill and then investigate this case.

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