A warrant that is not all over to the couple U’Khand min for murder – News2IN

A warrant that is not all over to the couple U’Khand min for murder

A warrant that is not all over to the couple U'Khand min for murder
Written by news2in

BarelyLIL: An unspeaked emotion has been published against Girdari Lal Sahu, female ministers and the development of Uttarakhand children Rekha Arya, and their maid in the 31-year-old murder case.
Three feet hands – identified as Badruddin, Naresh and Jagdish – were arrested on Friday and sent to prison, three decades after crime was conducted in 1990, following a court order in Bareilly.
Eleven people, including Sahu, now 59, were accused of killing Jain’s couple in their naked homes in front of their three daughters.
Four of the defendants had died since then while one person walked.
Sahu, then a member of the Jamajwadi Party, has been suspected of fraudulent moving ownership of the Family Family Timber property.
Worried they might approach the court, Sahu and 10 others allegedly broke into the family home on June 11, 1990, locked daughters in a room and killed the couple.
The daughters then identified Sahu as Prima was accused of being in court but he managed to get an inap of the Allahabad High Court.
In 2013, it was set aside, but the mysterious case file went “lost”.
This case was delayed a few years when police collected other files.
However, some important information still has not been taken.
“At that time, all case records were stored manually.
We still collect everything again, but important documents are lost,” said a police officer to Ti with anonymity requirements.
Calculated between the history of Bareilly at one point in time, Sahu has more than two dozen criminal cases, many of them are related to land grabbing, registered on it.
According to the shipments in Allahabad HC, the cases were pulled or released – except for a double murder case.
The court session in Bareilly, who heard this case, issued NBW after being found by the Sahu “did not work together and deliberately postponed the court process”, according to additional advisors to the District Government (ADGC) Suneel Singh.
“Sahu advisors have submitted a medical leave request after the court asked him to attend the trial.
The NBW was then issued to him.
Proceedings in this case have been postponed after the original case file is lost,” said Singh to Ti.
Singh added that a chargeshet had been put forward in court against 11 people and the process began in 1992.
However, the defendant moved the application in the High Court to transfer cases to other districts.
The request was rejected and again the defendant approached the court and managed to get a period of stay.
In 2013, the case file was lost from the recording room and all the evidence was lost.
Orders are then given for file reconstruction.
“Sahu Anil Bhatnagar advisors argue that” sick “and cannot enter the court where” the threat of infection “.

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