Acceptance of EWS must be in a private school: Sisodia Manish – News2IN

Acceptance of EWS must be in a private school: Sisodia Manish

Acceptance of EWS must be in a private school: Sisodia Manish
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Wednesday said private schools must recognize students from the EWS category, even if there is no general category receipt in schools this year.
Sisodia also called for physical physical meetings of physical parents (PTM) which will be held from July 19-31 so parents can learn about the progress of their child.
Covid situation this time was under control in the city.
But we must be smart and reasonable about recovering normally.
Physical PTMS does not need to be mandatory.
Those who want to do it virtually must also be permitted to do it.
The aim can be presented.
“We recognize that the right to educational actions applies throughout the country, and in accordance with ACT, private schools must order 25% of seats for economically weaker societies.
For every 100 seats at school, 75 is for the general category, while 25 seats Provided for EWS students, “Sisodia explained.
He added that the Delhi government has initiated provisions in which the government will announce a draw for the receipt for seats provided under the EWS category, based on the application received and the information provided by the school on the number of seats available.
“When we call the application under the EWS category, we receive around 1.26 lakh applications based on which we announce the 32,500 chair lottery,” said Minister of Education.
At a press conference on Wednesday, the CM representative directed any private school in the capital to recognize students under the EWS category based on the list sent by the government and regardless of the number of revenues in the general category.
“Under normal circumstances, private schools recognize three general students, and one under the EWS category, based on the list provided by the Government of Delhi.
However, given that the Kuncian has agreed to the entire process of receipt, there has been respect in reception even for students who are even students.
“Sisodia also called for PTM in government schools, stating that” Although Covid has influenced the school, but learning does not stop and only take online routes.
Online learning has increased the role of parents playing in the lives of their children.
“He told me that the Directorate of Education Has decided to do PTM specifically for parents of all students in government schools.
Sisodia claims that PTMS will also play an important role for students who switch from the School of Municipal Corporation Feeder to DoE.
“We have created a structure for PTM together between Civic Schools and DOE.
PTMS for class VI students will be carried out together between DOE and corporate school teachers.
This decision has been taken to facilitate the transition of students from the Civic to do schools and ensure children receive emotional support and adequate learning in a newer environment.
“Toi on June 24 has reported that many budget schools cannot recognize EWS students quote that they do not have public acceptance.

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