ACS (HOME) BEGSKAN IN IIT-BHU in Father’s Memory – News2IN

ACS (HOME) BEGSKAN IN IIT-BHU in Father’s Memory

Varanasi: In a unique award for his father, Aditya Kumar Awasthi at the commemoration of his first death, ACS (home) Awan Kumar Awasthi and his family started the ‘endowment award’ at Alma Mater his father, Institute of Indian Technology-Banras Hindu University’s Department of Metallurgy here on Tuesday.
To mark this initial award, a function is hosted in the ABT Hall of IIT-BHU in the presence of ACS (home), family members and the institute’s authority.
The last year of BTECH (metallurgy) will be given the RS One Lakh as award, which was officially launched by the Minister of State (Independent Load) for Tourism and Religious Affairs of Neelkanth Tiwari.
“Last year I lost my father state -building and enlightening the name of the institution and state, “said ACS (home), when handling the function.
It was decided to institutionalize this award at the same metallurgical department of IIT-BHU, where his father had received a ticket in 1945, he said it added that the IIT-BHU department was known as the College of Mining and Metallurgy Bhu.
“Before I fainted in 1949, my father had received a special appreciation since then from college Dr.
Swaroop Tatsamay,” he said remembering how after completing training especially in Germany for six years, his father returned to India and served Indian steel authorities besides contributing to the foundry of the base Tanks and train trainers.
Mentioning his wife’s close association and his wife with Kashi, he said, “My father was very tied to Varanasi, who had witnessed the extraordinary development under the guidance of the Head of the Yogi Aditentalath Minister after the Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Given all these facts, the family decided to introduce Award in Alma Mater Father.
“Gifting checks Rs 14 Lakh to director IIT-BHU Prof Jain, ACS (home) said,” Immediately check the RS 6 Lakh will also be given to the Director to build the Corpus fund for the endowmen award, “Awasthi said added that His family will also make an announcement to encourage female students in engineering studies.
Welcoming the ACS (home) and family initiative, Director of the IIT-BHU highlighted how the Alumni benefited the Institute.
Some members of the ACS family (home), including Malini Awasthi and Ashish Awasthi, also talked about the meeting.

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