Activists: Don’t cover waterways, but wake up the wall around it – News2IN

Activists: Don’t cover waterways, but wake up the wall around it

Written by news2in

Noidi: The authorities must build a barricade around the stormwater waterways to avoid future accidents, an environmental lover suggests after a tragic death of a nine-year-old girl and her older’s 10-month-old brother after going down to sector 85 …
Book by the Green Court Bar National, the authorities include storm waterways because they need to be cleaned regularly.
“We cannot just say that the accident occurs because the sewer cannot be closed.
It is a failure of local authority.
Open the channel, especially those in the densely populated area, must be battered, both through wire fences, concrete walls or even natural walls with Plants and plant fences.
They also have to arrange a signboard so that people move away from them, “said Vikrant Tongad, Green Activist.
According to Tongad, stormwater waterways should not be borne not only because they need to be cleaned regularly, but also because they are the source.
However, the resetity of rainwater and ground water.
However, the welfare association has demanded that Noida authority cover waterways, at least smaller.
“We have urged the authority to do this for several years now.
There are many sectors who continue to be revealed by small waterways, where accidents continue to occur,” said KK Jain, Secretary General of the Federation of the Noida Welfare Association (Fonrwa) .SC Mishra, a senior official In the Department of Public Health Authority, also quoted NGT sequences.
“The purpose of this order is to ensure that storm waterways are cleaned regularly and to provide drainage without interruption.
Includes the water channel will cause increased toxicity and health hazards due to trapped gas.
So, it has been ruled out,” Mishra said.
He did not respond to safety steps such as barricades around the waterways.
Mishra, however, said the authority would see complaints of open holes and sewers.

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