Activists slam the Hemant Government to ignore human rights in the state – News2IN

Activists slam the Hemant Government to ignore human rights in the state

Written by news2in

Ranchi: Representatives from various civil rights groups have expressed their dissatisfaction with ‘apathy of the government in respecting human rights in the country’.
The government of the Hemant Soren coalition led has become a blind eye to the constitution and the functioning of most constitutional bodies that guarantee constitutional drugs, they claim.
Until now, the State Human Rights Commission, the State Commission for Women, the State Commission for the Protection of Children’s Rights, the State Commission for Scheduled Caste and Tribes Scheduled, the State Consumer Complaints Commission and Information Commission Lying.
While most constitutional bodies have no chairman, many of them don’t even have members, seizing their fundamental rights to hear and their complaints are related.
The People’s Union State Unit for Civil Liberties (PUCL) has planned to form a human chain at Albert Ekka Chowk on Friday to mark international human rights day, namely on December 10.
The head of the Ranchi Pucl unit, said Anand Kumar Singh, “The prosecutor’s office against ordinary people continues.
But worse is the absence of a forum where people can raise their voices.
What exactly the government’s intention to keep the country’s human rights commission does not work and not Appoints the chairman and regular member? “The Commission remains without regular chairman since May 2018 and retired officers IAS Santosh Kumar Sathpathy is currently working as an acting chairman.
One position member is also empty resulting in disposal and disposal cases that are delayed.
Jharkhand Janadhikar Member Mahasabha Siraj found the current situation in Jharkhand was no different from what existed before the current dispensation election.
“Police atrocities during the BJP government led by Raghubar Das are one of the main reasons for people to choose them because of power.
The crackdown of police engine in Pathalgarhi activists is one of the main reasons why people choose alternatives but things have not changed at all,” he said.
Citing examples of innocent tribes Brahmadev Singh, who were killed by security forces in the Lowerhar District Piri Forest, Siraj said that a bad face from the government was exposed when the police portrayed the victim as an extremist.
“It’s even worse when widows have to run away from the pillar to the post to file a wall to security forces and still, he is rejected by his right,” he added.
The complaints commission of the Consumer Consultation Council has lied without a head since Judge Tapen Sen emptied the post in August last year.
In the absence of the chairman, consumers rejected basic rights heard against exploitation and no cases heard.
Explain the situation as anarchist, BJP President Deepak Prakash said that the condition of women, children, tribes and dalits had deteriorated under current dispensation.
“The Commission is a constitutional body and by allowing them without head, the government tries to avoid his accountability,” he said.
Citing NCRB data, Prakash said that more than 3,000 rape cases, some of which were Instance of Gang-Rape, has been reported in the state for the past 23 months of the government.
“But where the victims will leave when the police fail to arrest the culprit and the women of the Child Protection Commission did not work,” he asked.

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