Activists to use social media to get words in the environment – News2IN

Activists to use social media to get words in the environment

Written by news2in

Ludhiana: Now, social media will be used to encourage focus on environmental problems in the election manifesto.
Activists who work under Punjab Vatavaran Chetna Lehar, a social organization of environmental lovers and religious leaders plan a special campaign on social media.
Activists tried to convince political parties because they put clean air, water, and the earth in their election manifesto, but leaders did not show much interest.
With Covid cases increase gradually, activists now decide to run campaigns through social media.
The main demand for activists is the steps to curb groundwater waste, water pollution such as rivers and sewers to reduce, clean air to reduce, people, solid waste management, improve forest cover and control over the source of noise pollution.
Through social media, people will be urged to place their profile pictures with a special logo that will be launched in a few days.
Also, they will be asked to record a one-minute video with a message for all political parties demanding a clean environment for them.
Activists claim that the parties promise everything except that, but people can live without electricity or other facilities, not without water or air.
Jaskirat Singh, from Naroa Punjab MANH, said, “We have planned previous physical events in all major cities and three to four seminars have been made but political parties do not show many responses.
We submit our green manifesto to the head of the party and the Manifesto Committee.
Gradually , Covid’s case began to increase so we have now planned an online campaign.
“Gurpreet other activists Singh Chandbaja said,” People are very active in social media.
We will try to reach mass through Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms available so they have to ask Party candidates about environmental security.
“He said there was a need for people to join hands to fight for this.

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