Admin prison recommends judicial investigations to ‘suicide’ prisoners – News2IN

Admin prison recommends judicial investigations to ‘suicide’ prisoners

Written by news2in

Ranchi: The State Prison Administration has recommended a judicial investigation of alleged suicide by an accused of murder, Virendra Munda (32), in Birsa Munda’s center prison on Saturday.
The order has been spent considering the serious nature of the incident and also other factors such as the writing at the feet of the deceased, blaming the prison, Mohammad Naseem, for the incident.
Munda was found hanging with a towel from the door of the cell around 10pm.
He rushed to the Institute of Medical Sciences Rajendra (RIMS) where the doctor said he died.
A message written with a pen claiming that the prison killed him was found in his leg.
The Central Prison Authority said they would provide all documents and materials requested by the judge during the investigation.
Munda, who was arrested in July this year because of killing a vehicle driver, belonging to the Mukhyar criminal gang.
According to the prison, he suffered from depression in the past.
Inspector General (prison) Manoj Kumar said, “Requests have been sent to the Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi, to appoint judges for the investigation.
All procedures in this case are carried out in accordance with the provisions and guidelines for the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC).” This can be stated Here that in the case of custodian death, the examination was carried out by the judge and post mortem was carried out by the medical council before the temporary judge throughout the video recorded process.
Viscera was also sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory.
Report of the Medical Council, FSL and judicial investigation sent to the NHRC, which will decide whether to continue with the casing or close it.
Meanwhile, the State Prison Administration has also issued a show of shows to prisons who asked how the inmates succeeded in suffocating themselves when security guards should patrol the area.

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