Afghan babies disappear in chaos during airlift found, returned to family – News2IN

Afghan babies disappear in chaos during airlift found, returned to family

Afghan babies disappear in chaos during airlift found, returned to family
Written by news2in

Kabul: A baby who gave despair to a soldier on the airport wall in the chaos of American Afghan evacuation has been found and reunited with his relatives in Kabul on Saturday.
The baby, Sohail Ahmadi, was only two months old when he lost on August 19 when thousands of people rushed to leave Afghanistan when they fell to the Taliban.
Following the missing story published in November with his picture, the baby is located in Kabul where a 29-year-old taxi driver named Hamid Safi has found it at the airport and takes him home alone.
After more than seven weeks of negotiations and requests, and in the end a brief detention by the Taliban police, Safi finally handed the child back to his happy grandfather and other relatives still in Kabul.
They said they would now try to make it reunite with their parents and siblings who were evacuated a few months ago to the US.
During the evacuation full of turmoil, Mirza Ali Ahmadi – the boy’s father who had worked as a security guard at the US Embassy – and his wife was afraid of their son to be destroyed in the crowd when they approached the airport gate.
Ahmadi told Reuters in early November in his despair that day, he handed over the Sohail on the airport wall to a soldier he believed as an American.
Right at that moment, the Taliban troops pushed the crowd again and it would be half an hour before Ahmadi, his wife and four of their children could enter inside.
But at that time the baby was not found.
Then, the family was evacuated to the US.
For months they did not know where their son was.
On the same day Ahmadi and his family apart from their baby, Safi had sneaked through the gate of the Kabul Airport after giving a ride to his family who would also be evacuated.
Safi said he found Sohail alone and cried on the ground.
After he said he didn’t work to find a baby’s parents in it, he decided to bring the baby back to his wife and children.
Safi said the child was put in his family.
They called Mohammad Abed’s baby and posted photos of all children together on his Facebook page.
After the story of a lost child out, some neighbors Safi recognized the photos and posted comments about their existence.
Ahmadi asked his relatives in Afghanistan to look for Safi and asked him to return Sohail.
But Safi refused, insisting he also wanted to be evacuated from Afghanistan with his family.
Finally, Ahmadi’s family contacted the local police to report kidnapping.
Safi denied the allegations and said he took care of the baby.
The police then helped organize a settlement and and the baby was finally returned to his relatives.

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