Afghan crisis: ‘Head of Taliban Dead, Sandera Baradar?’ – News2IN
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Afghan crisis: ‘Head of Taliban Dead, Sandera Baradar?’

Afghan crisis: 'Head of Taliban Dead, Sandera Baradar?'
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Is the Deputy Prime Minister of Afghanistan Mullah Baradar who was taken hostage in Kandahar? Is the Taliban Head of Haibatullah Akhunzada died? Air confidentiality surrounds the two Taliban leaders who initially led to No.1 and 2 in the latest Afghan strength structure.
Baradar was almost not seen since he was reportedly involved in a hard clash with Haqqanis during the discussion of the government’s establishment.
He recently reappeared in Kandahar to send video messages to rumors Scotch that he was seriously injured in the attack.
But observers told the English-based magazine, the audience that the message seemed to be more a video hostage.
“He [Baradar] has held a big meeting of tribal elders who supported him, but at the same time was forced to read statements on the state-managed TV network, which had been taken over by the Taliban,” the audience reported.
Baradar, a big loser? It was said that Baradar was the main loser during negotiations to form a government in Afghanistan because he had previously led to the head of a new dispensation.
After the conversation, he was revealed to the PM timed post.
A big step occurred during the discussion with Haqqanis where everything was heated.
It was reported that Baradar wanted more roles for the Afghan minority and argued that the country flag had to fly with the Taliban.
It is not known what actually made an angry of the Hazqqani network – a US appointed terrorist organization.
But at one point during the meeting, Khalil Ul Rahman Haqqani rose from his chair and began punching the Taliban leader.
The audience said that the violent fight occurred between Baradar and Haqqani supporters, with “furniture and a large thermos full of hot green tea thrown around”.
Another report said there was a shot during the fight where a number of people were killed and injured.
People who realized the development of the head of Lieutenant Head of Pakistan General Faiz Hameed, who was in Kabul during the discussion, supported Haqqanis for Baradar.
Inferden, Baradar spent about eight years in Pakistani prison before Trump’s administration facilitated his release to participate in peace talks.
The audience report said that the Head of Content ensured that all major positions in the Afghan government had just went to Pakistani loyalists, especially from the Hazqqani Hardline network, while those who led Doha negotiations were lowered.
Taliban without head? While Baradar remained in Kandahar, the existence of Haibatullah Akhunzada is still unknown.
The Taliban has promised time and again that Akhunzada will immediately appear, but that has not happened.
It’s been more than a month since they took over Kabul.
The audience quoted rumors that Akhunzada could even die.
Such speculation for the Taliban leaders was fed by the situation around the death of the founder of the movement, Mullah Omar, which was only published in 2015 two years after it happened.
Mullah Hassan Akhund, who is the Prime Minister of Afghanistan, does not seem to have strength, according to the report.
This means that the Taliban without head effectively looks deeper in control now than they do more than 20 years ago when they last in power.
In addition, the challenge of controlling haqqanis, which looks stronger in Afghanistan, also weighs heavily.
Spectator said that Sirajuddin Haqqani, the country’s interior minister had praised the suicide bomber while his uncle Khalil – the person suspected of attacking Baradar – made a number of public statements about the value of international jihad.

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