Afghan Officials: 3 More Provincial Mactals Fall Taliban – News2IN

Afghan Officials: 3 More Provincial Mactals Fall Taliban

Afghan Officials: 3 More Provincial Mactals Fall Taliban
Written by news2in

KABUL: Taliban confiscated three other provincial capitals in Afghanistan and local military headquarters in a Blitz throughout the country of the country, said officials Wednesday, with rebels now controlling around two-thirds of the country as a US and NATO resolved their withdrawal after a few Decade there.
The fall of the capital of Badakhshan and Baghlan Province to the northeast and Farah Province to the West establish pressure on the country’s central government to stem face waves, even because of the main basis in Kunduz.
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani rushed to the Balkh Province, has been surrounded by the Taliban region, to seek assistance to push the rebels from warlords related to allegations of cruelty and corruption.
While Kabul itself has not been directly threatened in advance, the speed is stunning to raise questions about how long the Afghan government can maintain control over the countryside.
Some front of the battle have spread the government’s special operations forces – while regular forces often escape from the battlefield – and violence has prompted thousands of civilians to seek salvation in the capital.
The US military, who plans to complete the withdrawal at the end of the month, has done several air strikes but most have avoided involving themselves in land campaigns.
The Afghan government and military did not respond to repeated requests to comment on losses.
Humayoon Shahidzada, a member of parliament from West Farah province, confirmed Wednesday to the Associated Press of the province with the same name down.
Nimroz’s neighboring province was flooded in the last few days after the Weeklong campaign by the Taliban.
At Farah, Taliban fighters dragged Shoeless’s corpse, bloody from one member of the Afghan security forces through the road, shouting: “God is great!” Taliban fighters carry M-16 rifles and driving humvees and Ford pickup trucks donated by America rolled through the streets of the capital.
“The situation is controlled in the city, our Mujahedeen patrols in the city,” a Taliban fighters who did not give their names, referred to fellow militants as “holy warriors.” The Crackle of Automatic Weapon Fire continues throughout the day at Farah.
Hujatullah Kheradmand, a member of Parliament from Badakhshan, said the Taliban had confiscated his capital, Faizabad.
A Afghan official, who spoke with the terms of anonymously, said the capital of Baghlan, Poly-Khumri, also fell.
The previous rebels captured six other provincial capitals in this country in less than a week, including Kunduz in Kunduz Province – significant profits and one of the largest cities in the country.
On Wednesday, the 217th Corps Headquarters of the Afghan National Army at Kunduz Airport fell to the Taliban, according to Ghulam Rabani Rabani, a member of the provincial council in Kunduz, and Parliament member Shah Khan Sherzad.
Rebels post online videos they say show troops surrender.
The corps are one of the seven across the forces and their losses represent a large setback.
Not immediately clear equipment left for the rebels.
Some civilians who have fled the progress of the Taliban said that the rebels imposed repressive restrictions on women and burned school.
There are also reports of murder revenge in areas where the Taliban get control.
Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, a senior UE official said the rebels held around 230 districts above 400 in Afghanistan.
The official described 65 others in government control while the rest were contested.
The official spoke with the terms of anonymity to discuss internal numbers.

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