Afghan security forces killed 439 Taliban terrorists in the last 24 hours – News2IN

Afghan security forces killed 439 Taliban terrorists in the last 24 hours

Afghan security forces killed 439 Taliban terrorists in the last 24 hours
Written by news2in

Kabul: A total of 439 Taliban terrorists were killed and 77 others were injured by Afghan security forces in the last 24 hours.
“439 #Taliban terrorist killed and 77 others were injured as a result of #andsf surgery in Nangarhar, Laghman, Logar, Paktia, Uruzgan, Zabul, Ghor, Farah, Balkh, Helmand Province Kapisa and Baghlan for the last 24 hours,” Afghan defense ministry tweeted .
Separately, 25 terrorists were killed in air strikes on the outskirts of the Kandahar Province Center.
“25 #Taliban terrorists were killed and 13 others were injured in #astrikes carried out by #aaf on the outskirts of the central province #kandahar, yesterday,” said the Ministry of Defense.
In the midst of increasing violence in the northern part of the country, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on Wednesday arrived in the city of Mazar-e-Sharif in Balkh Province.
This visit came when the Taliban had arrested several provincial capitals in Afghanistan.
The continued battle between Afghan and Taliban government forces, hundreds of thousands of civilians are at risk as a battle increase in and around Kundahar, and other cities in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, the United States is worried that the Taliban can capture Kabul in one to three months, much faster than the suggested previous intelligence assessment.
According to The Washington Post, the situation in this country is now worse than in June when US intelligence predicts that Kabul can collapse in 6-12 months after American Pullout forces from Afghanistan.

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