Afghan troops told about bringing the injured to Tajikistan after the commander escaped – News2IN

Afghan troops told about bringing the injured to Tajikistan after the commander escaped

Afghan troops told about bringing the injured to Tajikistan after the commander escaped
Written by news2in

Kunduz: Afghan warriors have described bring their friends who were injured across the border to Tajikistan after being abandoned by their commanders when the Taliban confiscated the main border intersection.
The soldiers part of a group of more than 1,000 who fled to Tajikistan when the rebels took Khan Bandar shirts at the end of June talking to AFP this week after being flown back to Afghanistan.
When they spoke, the Taliban made progress sweeping in Afghanistan, and now claiming to control 85 percent of the country.
Their latest offensi began in early May as United States and NATO began withdrawing the final troops after a 20-year-old work triggered by the September 11 attacks.
Taliban and the government should approve a political road map for the country in peace talks in Doha, but they are mostly in a hurry after the deadlock for months, and the rebels emerged now to get their views on military victory.
The progress of the Taliban has raised concerns of Afghan security forces can quickly become demoralization without vital air support provided by America, and collapsed.
Mehrullah, who like many Afghans only used one name, was part of the battalion of around 1,000 soldiers who defended the border junction with Tajikistan near the city of Kunduz, at the north end.
“We were under the siege in Khan Bandar Shirts for a week.
Our supply route was cut off,” said the 27-year-old player, who talked about confusion and lack of communication between units in the field.
When the battle increased, Mehrullah said some commanders left their position, leaving a small foot warrior choice but to follow them.
“If there is proper coordination between the center and leadership of the port forces we will fight the Taliban instead of retreating,” he said.
“We did not leave the port, but the commanders fled before the army.” Ainuddin, another soldier, told how injured troops were brought to Tajikistan by their friends when the Taliban tightened their snare around the border intersection.
The Tajikistan authorities said that 1,037 Afghan government forces had crossed into the former Soviet countries, and they had offered them protection and treated their wounds to “save their lives”.
“After the siege of the port and a large Taliban attack, they cut all the way to Kunduz,” Mehrullah said.
“We were forced to retreat to the bridge and, after an hour fighting, we crossed to Tajikistan.” Afghan officials recognized the supply path stretched and they lost the region to the Taliban, but said they lost the battle, not a war.
“There is war, there is pressure.
Sometimes things work our way.
Sometimes they don’t,” National Security Advisor Hamdullah Mohib.
Ainuddin said they were treated very well by Tajik officials, who were afraid of radical neighboring Southern could trigger riots in a moderate Muslim population.
“They did everything they could for us, and after spending two days there we flew back to Kabul,” he said.
Both soldiers are now at the military base in the capital of Afghanistan and say they are willing to join the battle.
“We are ready to report back on duty wherever the government wants,” said Ainuddin.

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