Afghan US bolts amid shame, regret & concern about the return of civil war – News2IN

Afghan US bolts amid shame, regret & concern about the return of civil war

Afghan US bolts amid shame, regret & concern about the return of civil war
Written by news2in

Washington: self-doubt, shame, and regret flow through Washington after US forces secretly shot from Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan in the middle of last night without telling the local Afghan commander.
Pictures of Afghan forces throughout the country surrendered to the Taliban without the fight in the midst of being ongoing chaos in Bagram triggering questions from members of the US parliament and security analyst, with a terrible estimate of the close civil war and the return of the terrorism to the region because of being accelerated by Biden’s administration , withdrawal.
About the suggestion of the White House, the Pentagon said to slow down the rate of withdrawal, directed the top American commander in Afghanistan, General Austin Miller, and several hundred troops to stay back for several weeks – “to soften Drawdown’s psychological shocks to Afghanistan,” as a report put it.
Afghans, hardened in the decade of the battle, was barely surprised when they prepared the return of civil war.
Michael McCaul, a member of the Republican Parliament revealed that Afghan President Team Ashraf Ghani warned him about the departure of US troops from the country would mark the “jihad year” when they visited Washington last week, and said President Biden must have “ugly Biden must have” ugly.
The image of “murder, female oppression, and a humanitarian crisis.” Young men in Pakistan in Madrasas are ready with the Taliban to pour into Afghanistan and you will see a big civil war happening and I don’t think, in the end, it will look pretty, ‘McCaul Told Fox News, blaming Biden for failure even though the Trump president called for US withdrawal from a foreign war.
There is also anger in several places ignored by the Western Alliance for 20-year jobs for 20 years.
Afghanistan to eradicate terrorism – among them 18,000 translators and support staff and their families.
The US has promised to help them immigrate to America through third countries, but some experts say it’s too late to stuff them and those promises are just words.
There was also a deep regret that the US left the advantage of the last two decades, especially the emancipation of women and girls, around 40 percent of whom was registered at school, and who, was feared, now it will be forced by Talib’s Jettison education.
“A few years ago I met this group of female entrepreneurs at Mazar-I-Sharif who replaced Afghanistan from the bottom up.
Sad to realize this is likely to be lost (if not) because we gave up.
The Afghan government did.
Battle, but needed We as partners, “said Adam Kinzinger, a moderate Republic of Parliament member on duty in the US military.
Other GOP parliamentarians support withdrawals with one of them show that the army who returns from Afghanistan can be used to maintain the southern border to want immigration.
There is also a alarm that comes out of Washington is a way of paving for China to move to a vacuum using its economic influence in the middle of the report that Beijing has been pitching to extend the belt and the initiative of the road to Kabul.

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