Afghan War: Zalmay Khalilzad ‘to reflect’ on what we can do differently – News2IN

Afghan War: Zalmay Khalilzad ‘to reflect’ on what we can do differently

Afghan War: Zalmay Khalilzad 'to reflect' on what we can do differently
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Afghan President Abdul Ghani believes that the Taliban will not be able to win militarily until they truly surround Kabul, US special representatives for Afghanistan reconciliation which Zalmay Khalilzad said.
In an honest interview for foreign policy, Khalilzad – who is an American face in talks with Taliban – said that he would continue to reflect how and where the US was wrong in the last 20 years of his war against terror in Afghanistan.
In an interview, Khalilzad provided a detailed account about the last terrible moments before the fall of Kabul, the protracted negotiations with Ghani and its reflection on how to take a walk in a war-hit country.
“The Taliban approved the two-week transition ‘Khalilzad said that when the Taliban surrounded Kabul in the last days of withdrawal, he assured Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, now the Deputy Prime Minister, to avoid conflict which can endanger millions of lives.
US envoys say that Baradar, and Team The Taliban leader, he together, agreed to a two-week transition and agreed to look after their troops at the Gate Kabul.
‘The power sharing trip ignored about the struggle of sharing-power, Khalilzad said that the Taliban had agreed to form a “inclusive” government but rejected the idea of ​​50:50 Sharing power because they want to take control.
“Talibs want to be number one, replacing the President [Ashraf] Ghani with one of them, and Ghani refused to accept it,” US envoy to foreign policy.
He said that an agreement reached that the government will include leaders from current dispensation but The leader acknowledged that the 50:50 deal was no longer realistic.
‘Ghani did not suggest’ Khalilzad said that he did not see the people who saw Ghani escape from the country on the Taliban day to reach the Kabul gate.
He added that the president was “suggested badly”.
“I have a lot of conversations with him [Ghani] …
He holds that Talibs will not be able to win militarly.
He believes it is very, very passionate and strong until …
they [Taliban] surrounding Kabul,” said the US envoy.
Khalilzad said that Ghani strongly argued that the Constitution did not allow it to accept what the peace process would need – a new constitution and the government shared power.
“We did get a order of orderly …
‘Asked whether the Taliban takeover was always a previous conclusion, Khalilzad said that the withdrawal of order and planned was important for three reasons.
He said that it helped avoid conflict with the Taliban, giving us time to make the group commit to steps -The counterterrorism and allow Afghanistan opportunities for peace.
We did get a orderly withdrawal, meaning they agreed not to attack us while we resigned for 14 months,” he asked why negotiations occurred without the Afghan government on the table, envoy It said that we wanted it but the Talib opposed the idea because they thought that the government was a doll.
“I respect those who say that we should not negotiate with Talib without the government there.
But we don’t know how many more battles will be taken for the Talib to agree that “he said.
Defend the US decision to attract troops despite watching the Taliban area, Khalilzad said that even though we can draw strict conditions such as” we will not be interesting unless there is an agreement between Talib and the government “, such choices have been pessimistic.” If you make it with strict conditions, you never leave; In a certain sense, you say you will stay, “he said.
‘Will reflect the last 20 years about the longest war of America with terror, Khalilzad said they did relatively good in front of counterrogrorism and help improve the lives of Afghans.
However, he added that the US lacked the building The vision of a democracy, independent and safe Afghanistan.
He concluded by saying that he would reflect on whether some things could be done differently.
could it be done differently to make it more resilient and independent and motivated to fight? Should we push it harder for previous political settlement? Yes, I contemplate them, and I will reflect on them.
Some time to come, “he said.

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