Afghanistan: Jalalabad Sikhs Celebrates the First Prakash Duri Sri Teacher Granth Sahib – News2IN

Afghanistan: Jalalabad Sikhs Celebrates the First Prakash Duri Sri Teacher Granth Sahib

Afghanistan: Jalalabad Sikhs Celebrates the First Prakash Duri Sri Teacher Granth Sahib
Written by news2in

Ambala: Some Sikh Afghanistan from Jalalabad, Afghanistan on Tuesday celebrated the first Prakash Purb (Enshrinement Day) from Master Granth Sahib by holding a small church at Gurdwara Master Nanak Darbar there.
During the congregation, Sikh is very Afghanistan (community) around 15 numbers also conducted rent (voluntary service) changed a long time with new clothes Nishan Sahib (Sikh flag) in Gurdwara.
Bhai Jasbir Singh, Granthi from Gurdwara Teacher Nanak Darbar released a video from Jalalabad, where he conjoined the Sikh who settled throughout the world on the first night of Purbas Prakash from Master Granth Sahib, on behalf of community members there, Gurdwara and Committee members Management.
“After congratulating the community, we thank Teacher Granth Sahib Ji for blessing us to celebrate their first Prakash Purbb at the home of Nanak teacher at the moment.
This is a problem of happiness.
Today, we also replace Nishan Sahib clothing with support Very currently here “, said Bhai Jasbir Singh in his video on Tuesday.
“We also organize small programs to gather members of the community in Gurdwara.
The Sikh who lives near Gurdwara has attended this program.
Those who attended celebrated the event with full service”, told Bhai Jasbir Singh by telephone.
Meanwhile, the Sikh who lived in Kabul said that they could not arrange events to celebrate the night because of their busy schedule.
“Most of the Sikh is very in Kabul plans to visit India on a pilgrimage in connection with the 400th Purbak Prakash from the ninth teacher Tegang Bahadar Ji and their luggage is full.
At present, they only calculate international flights to continue from Kabul Airport”, Sikh said from Kabul .
President Gurdwara Dashmesh Ribbon, Karta-e-Parwan Gurnam Singh from Kabul said, “We cannot celebrate Purbak Prakash because of a busy schedule and also, Granthi Singh is not present in Kabul and is very unaware of the same thing.
Most of the Sikh in Kabul plans To visit India on a pilgrimage.
We are in talks with local government authorities and in India as well, and according to information, we hope that international flights can begin with Kabul in September in September.

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