Afghanistan Risk of ‘Disaster Generation’ About Education: United Nations – News2IN

Afghanistan Risk of ‘Disaster Generation’ About Education: United Nations

Afghanistan Risk of 'Disaster Generation' About Education: United Nations
Written by news2in

Paris: The risk of Afghanistan moves backwards in almost two decades of school increases for children, especially girls, because the prospect of violence is visible with the return of Taliban regulations, the UN education agency said on Friday.
“The number of people transferred internally is projected to increase, increasing the risk of learning losses between children and generation disasters that will have a negative impact on the country’s sustainable development for years to come,” UNESCO said in Paris-based in a statement.
Since 2001, when US troops overthrow the first Taliban regime after the September 11 terror attack, the number of girls in elementary school soared from “almost zero” to 2.5 million in 2018, according to the latest agency report.
Women’s literacy almost doubled to 30 percent, and now four out of 10 students in the primary class are women.
Overall, around 10 million children and young people were registered, up from only one million in 2001.
But the new Taliban government has decided that women who attend private universities, which have developed in recent years must be separated from a man and Covered with a long abaya and niqab robe, the face veil with a small window to see.
Further hardline education rules for public institutions are also expected, such as prohibiting men to teach women – a big problem in a country that has faced the lack of female teachers.
“This will face a big blow to women’s participation in higher education and girls’ education more broadly, negative impact on their life, work, and citizenship,” said UNESCO.

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