Afghanns desperate, the Taliban face economic destruction – News2IN

Afghanns desperate, the Taliban face economic destruction

Afghanns desperate, the Taliban face economic destruction
Written by news2in

Kabul: Cold Bitter Afghan winter has small children clustered under blankets in emergency camps.
The sick baby in the hospital lying in the burqa all who enveloped their mother.
Long lines in food distribution centers have become extraordinary when Afghanistan sinks deeper into despair times.
Because the takeover of Taliban Taliban who was chaotic to Kabul, the economy that had been very destroyed by the war, was still alive by international contributions now on the verge of destruction.
There isn’t enough money for the hospital.
Saliha, who like many Afghans only used one name, brought her baby’s son to Indian Children’s hospital Gandhi in the capital, Kabul.
Najeeb is weak and fragile, 4 months old is malnourished.
The World Health Organization is a warning of millions of children who suffer from malnutrition, and the United Nations say 97% Afghanistan will immediately live below the poverty line.
For millions of people living in camps for refugees or sitting outside the government ministry seeking help, the only source of warmth is to curl around open wood burning.
Nearly 80% of the previous Afghan government budget came from the international community.
The money, is now cut off, hospitals financed, schools, factories and government ministries.
In the Afghanistan Taliban there is no money.
Sanctions have paralyzed UN banks, the United States and others struggled to find out how to get hundreds of millions of dollars in humanitarian aid to Afghans while passing the Taliban, even because there were no direct signs of widespread corruption which marked before.
For many poorest people in Afghanistan, bread is their only principal.
Women march outside the bakery in the city, small children arrived before dawn to get bread.
The majority scrambles to find food, and fuel.
The statistics provided by the United Nations are Grim: nearly 24 million in Afghanistan, around 60% percent of the population, suffering from acute hunger.
A total of 8.7 million Afghans gathered with hunger.
Schools for girls under the Taliban are uncertain, and in many provinces they are not permitted to attend school after grade 6, but in more than 10 open provincial schools.
The international community is working on ways to help open schools while pushing the Taliban to open the rest.
In some areas, such as West Herat Province, teachers and parents together persuaded local Taliban leaders to open school.
In schools like Girls High School Tajrobawai in Herat, it paid off.
A few months ago, the high Commissioner of the United Nations for refugees being warned by the exodus of the Afghan mass must be Afghanistan was allowed to freely fall into the economic ravine.
The output has begun as thousands of streams out of Afghanistan because of Iran in despair.
In hundreds they packed the bus that took them from Herat to Nimroz Province near where they made a dangerous trip to Iran.
Some hope to go further, to Turkey and finally to Europe – even though there are European determination to expel migrants.

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