After Afghanistan, Pakistan is eyeing the ‘more aggressive’ tactics in Jammu & Kashmir – News2IN

After Afghanistan, Pakistan is eyeing the ‘more aggressive’ tactics in Jammu & Kashmir

After Afghanistan, Pakistan is eyeing the 'more aggressive' tactics in Jammu & Kashmir
Written by news2in

The contents of Pakistan, widely recognized are in a stronger position after the takeover of the Afghan Taliban, may be eyeing a more aggressive strategy in J & K, according to sources in the establishment of Indian security.
As part of this tactic, it was activated even before the takeover of the Afghan Taliban, the contents have encouraged the terrorist clothes “Protégé”, Jem and Al-Badr to the union area since the last two months.
A source at the establishment of Indian Central Security told TII that around 200 terrorists are currently active in J & K, with foreign terrorist shares that match local ultras.
“Finally, they will enjoy terror attacks as and when the contents directed,” said the source.
Determined to neutralize these efforts by content, Indian security forces have strengthened the border network and increased supervision and labor along the Pakistani border.
To ensure a terrorist who is infiltrated not getting an easy hiding in Kashmir Village, J & K police aggressively tracks overground workers who tend to provide protection to foreign terrorists and also facilitate their mission.
The source said that since January this year, around 500 overground workers have been arrested.
“We are very watching more suspected, some of them try to project themselves as ‘nationalists’, and will take action against them in the coming days,” a security officer said.
Read Algoshreat from exports of terror to J & amp; K, Russian Real: MoscowadmitmitmitmitMit Terrorism Flowing to Russia and Kashmir from Afghanistan, Russian Ambassador to India Nikolay Kudashev Monday said India and Russia had a “general concern” that Afghanistan should not be used to spread hitherto terrorism driven by fear of blacklisted The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), to the wind and climbed Ante in J & K.
However, there were sincere concerns about some of the military weapons and equipment left by US forces and trained terrorist cadres from Afghanistan to find their way to J & K because of Nexus Fill with the Taliban and the groups are active on the Western border.
The source at the J & K police said the infiltration had increased since July along the border in North Kashmir and the JAMMU area.
Terror launchpads and infiltration routes are active in bandpore, Kupwara and Baramulla, while terrorist activities are largely concentrated in South Kashmir.
A source said foreign terrorists and narcotics smugglers usually infiltrate North Kashmir and live in a hiding place there before going down to the south.
Infiltrator to South Kashmir, the terror hub with Srinagar currently reported the highest terror activity, especially through your watch and then moved to the valley through the road.
Traditional foreign terrorists exceed the number of local terrorists in North Kashmir; South Kashmir has a large number of local recruits from the district such as Anantnag, Srinagar and Shopdian.
New concerns between the establishment of security at J & K is the involvement of local residents by terrorist clothing for small actions such as throwing grenades, not given a longer role in their terror activities.
“These locals pay a lot of money for one task.
They mostly do limited work and then join into a civilian population.
So it becomes very difficult to track them and get something concrete to nail,” said a police officer.

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