After delaying two and a half years, NAAC to rejuven the accreditation of the University of Goa – News2IN

After delaying two and a half years, NAAC to rejuven the accreditation of the University of Goa

After delaying two and a half years, NAAC to rejuven the accreditation of the University of Goa
Written by news2in

Panaji: almost two and a half years since the validity of the accreditation was given to the University of Goa by the National Assessment and the Acreditation Council (NAAC) ended.
The Goa University gets a ‘A’ value, which is valid until September 2019.
Now, after many delays, Gu will eventually be judged again, as a visit to the NAAC colleague’s team to the university has been scheduled between March 15 and 30 April 2022.
“All left the Sanctions Authority of Goa University such as Dean, Deputy Dean, Head of Department / Division / Section was ordered not to sanction every teaching and non-teaching employees from March 15, 2022, given the visits proposed by the Naac Committee to the University of Goa anytime during the period These, “Registrar vs Nadkarni has said in the internal circular issued on Wednesday.
Circular states that only leave for medical reasons can be given during this period.
“All faculty members are advised not to register for any training course during that period,” read round.
The process of accreditation of Cave University has seen many delays.
At first, the university itself chose to delay the accreditation process because he wanted to fill all the empty teacher posts first.
Around September 2019, when GU’s accreditation validity will end, almost 50% of faculty posts at the university without full-time teachers and can have a negative impact on the Naac University assessment.
This is mainly due to the NAAC accreditation process that changed slightly pressurized at the visit of the council team team to campus.
This new process provides more weight for quantitative data submitted by universities such as the number of permanent faculties etc.
But in the early 2020 arrival the pandemic on the scene carried the University recruitment process to stop and further delay the process of the volcanization of re-accreditation.
When the Covid-19 situation saw a slight increase around January-February 2021, the University of Goa successfully completed its recruitment process by filling nearly 90% of the 150-odd faculty position.

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