After Delhi, Hry can immediately finish the plan to protect Lake Najafgarh – News2IN

After Delhi, Hry can immediately finish the plan to protect Lake Najafgarh

Gurgaon: Haryana finally inches to complete the environmental management plan for Lake Najafgarh.
The Department of State Environment will hold a meeting with Secretary of Head Haryana on Thursday to discuss the planned plan.
The final plan will be presented to the main minister on September 22.
“The CM meeting with the Department of Environment has been scheduled, where the plan will be discussed,” said Deputy Commissioner Gurgaon Yash Garg to Ti.
Details of the planned plan have not been released.
Earlier this year, India’s national trust in the inheritance of art and culture (Intach) has submitted a petition at the National Green Tribunal (NGT) for the protection of a water body.
In June, NGT ordered the Secretary of the Haryana Head to attend the next hearing, scheduled for October 4, along with updates about the status of the protection plan.
When approached, the Country Pollution Council of Haryana (HSPCB) Secretary Narayana confirmed, “Lake management plan is being completed.” Delhi has submitted its environmental management plan for the lake to NGT in March.
According to his plan, the Lake will be notified under the 2017 Wetland (Conservation and Management) rules, which will provide the strength of two countries (Delhi and Haryana) to oversee activities that are prohibited like any encroachment, disposal of waste and release waste that is not treated in the body of the water.
Speaking of the importance of plans to protect the lake, Manu Bhatnagar, Director of the Principal Intach (Natural Heritage Division), said: “We have shown to the government Haryana that Najafgarh Jheel is in the zone of natural hazards, as well as located in the seismic area and also has land melting The high (loss of substantial land power due to trembling).
Two factors, if combined, will be a disaster for life and property.
Also, this year, we have seen that the surface of the lake water reaches 200 meters during the rainy season, which is another reason that The area cannot be used for any activities.
“He said the Delhi management plan could only work if Haryana also agreed to it.
“Haryana has not been able to approve the environmental management plan, and thus the area does not get protection.” The body of water, which is spread over 7 square kilometers, is important for Gurgaon because it acts as a big aquifer to refill groundwater.
Many tributaries in Aravalis flowed to the lake, which were then taken to Yamuna.
“Najafgarh Jheel is a critical natural infrastructure for the region, limiting flooding, treating wastewater, filling groundwater and providing habitat for various species of plants and animals.
High ornitological values ​​of wetlands are indicated by the presence of 281 bird species, including some threatened, “Report on Delhi Management Plan.

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