After joining BJP, Aparna Yadav took ‘thanks’ from Mulayam – News2IN

After joining BJP, Aparna Yadav took ‘thanks’ from Mulayam

After joining BJP, Aparna Yadav took 'thanks' from Mulayam
Written by news2in

Lucknow: After joining BJP in New Delhi, Aparna Bishav returned to Lucknow and took a blessing from his father-in-law and SP Patriarch Mulayam Singh Yadav.
He shared a picture of touching the foot Mulayam Singh Yadav on his Twitter account.
Assembly selection 2022: Complete poll schedule Coverage of the election of Punjab election of the election election of Manipur “after taking Bharatiya Janata’s party membership, to come to Lucknow, take blessings from Father / Netaji,” he said in a tweet.
भारतीय जनता पार्टी की की की सदस्यता लेने के पश्चात लखनऊ आने पर पिताजी / नेताजी से आशीर्वाद लिया. that by coming in large quantities, you all have encouraged me.
“@ Bjp4india की सदस्यता ग्रहण करके दिल्ली से लखनऊ अमौसी एयरपोर्ट पहुँचने पर समर्थकों और कार्यकर्ताओं द्वारा भव्य स्वा … Aparna Becht Yadav (@ Aparnabishht7) 1642736798000aparna, who is younger-in-law The founder of the Samjwadi Mulayam Party Singh Yadav, has joined BJP on Wednesday at the party headquarters in New Delhi.
Congratulations on him to join the Bharatiya Janata Party, Head of the Jamajwadi Party and former Chairman of State Minister Akhilesh Yadav told reporters that Netaji had tried a lot to convince him .

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