After Punjab CM Chararjit Singh Channi NOD, PSPCL Notification for Memo Power GVK Purchase Agreement – News2IN

After Punjab CM Chararjit Singh Channi NOD, PSPCL Notification for Memo Power GVK Purchase Agreement

After Punjab CM Chararjit Singh Channi NOD, PSPCL Notification for Memo Power GVK Purchase Agreement
Written by news2in

Chandigarh / Patiala: Minister of Punjab Minister Charanjit Singh Channi on Saturday approved the Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) proposal to stop the GVK GVK Power Agreement GOINDWAL SAHIB.
Furthermore, PSPCL has published notification of cessation to the company.
However, PSPCL is tightening PPAS with two other independent electrical producers (IPPS) in Punjab – NPL Rajpura and Talwandi Sabo Power Limited (TSPL).
The move assumes political significance as an affordable force by canceling the PPA with private players has found the agenda of 18 points AICC and the government-led channel has promised to take steps to reduce electricity tariffs.
In July, CM Amarinder Singh had directed PSPCL to revoke his PPA with TSPL, Mansa, because “very failed to do” during the current rice season.
He said that PPA was “very biased in supporting the company.” PPA’s decision to keep the interest of consumers, said CM Channi in the meantime, the initial default notification was served by the PSPCL to GVK on Saturday for PPA cancellations because of the lowest power costs and the lowest fall in the order of benefits, the procurement of energy from the GVK has been limited to the range 25-30% for most years that produced a higher rate of around Rs 7.52 per unit for last year.
Channi said this step was taken to protect the interests of consumers by reducing expensive power burden.
A official spokesperson said that the basic premise entering the PPA by GVK with PSPCL was to provide cheaper power to PSPCL.
GVK has produced energy by regulating coal from Indian coal limited in Shakti policy.
According to the PPA, the GVK is needed to regulate the prisoner’s coal mine but failed to do it, even after a hose more than 5 years synchronizing with the grid, he added.
The capacity fee is being decided by the Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (PSERC) based on capital costs around Rs 3.058crore, which is equivalent to around Rs 1.61 per unit of fixed costs.
A spokesman said that GVK had moved to the Appeal Court for Electricity (Aptel) to claim a higher fixed cost with a tone of Rs 2.50 per unit based on capital cost claims around Rs 4,400 Crore waiting for adjudication.
In addition, GVK has failed not to clean up contributions that are increasing on time, on loans taken from various lenders.
The lender has approached the National Company Law (NCLT) for a resolution plan for the GVK which is being considered before the court, the spokesman is claimed.
It was in Augustend this year when the state government, on the recommendation of the Committee of the three PSPCL members, has decided to serve the default notification to two other IPPs in the state.
Official spokesman in both plants confirmed that they had not received a notification in this matter.
The committee was then submitted before the Punjab government that around 5737 Mus Energi has given up while the fixed costs around RS 1017 Crores have been paid by PSPCL to GVK for the financial year 2018-19 to 2020-21.
Committed to claiming that the cost of surrender from this factory is Rs 142 Crores, RS 610 Crores, and RS 265 Crores each for 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21, while the average per unit cost (fixed variable + ) From fixed GVK at Rs 6.63, Rs, 10.02 and Rs 7.53.
The sources revealed that Punjab CM recently held a meeting with senior officials in the electricity and PSPCL sectors to discuss PPAS with the IPP and had planned to negotiate the Power Pact with NPL while other IPPs could be presented with the provisions that were revised and.
While the Chairman of the Cum Pspcl A.venu Management Director Parsad cannot be contacted for comments, PUSPCL Director Generation Paramjeet Singh pretends to not know about every plant action taken for re-negotiations and notifications and say, “I do not know this if there is a notification Sent these sources reveal that white paper on the PPA is almost prepared and will be submitted to the government with responsibility and accountability responsible for PPAS Costlier with the IPP in Punjab.

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