After relaxation, cases were dipped for almost a month before a small increase – News2IN

After relaxation, cases were dipped for almost a month before a small increase

After relaxation, cases were dipped for almost a month before a small increase
Written by news2in

Nagpur: It is almost a month since Nagpur Regency administration stimulates restrictions for commercial companies that are not essential because of a consistent decline in the level of testicitivity test (TPR), a sharp decline in covid death and increased coverage of vaccination.
It is believed that improving sightseeing and socializing by people will lead to a surge in two weeks after relaxation.
So far, relaxation does not seem to cause an increase in Covid-19 cases even though small astray in the last three days has alarm bells between brotherhood and medical administration.
After the district assignment group meeting led by the Minister Guardian Nitin Raut on Monday, it was decided to handle restrictions considering the third wave projected.
TPR since September 1 remains at 0.15%, which is almost the same for the appropriate period in August.
Weather variations have also caused an increase in seasonal flu cases, from which a very low percentage tests positive covids so far.
Pulmonologist Dr.
Ravindra Sarnaik, member of the district assignment unit, said that there is no need for a lot of time for cases to jump from one digit to 13 on Monday.
“The third wave is a multi-factorial problem.
Everything will depend on compliance with Covid norms and vaccinations.” For the past 10 to 15 days, believers will not happen.
Now, between August 1 and October 30, no one knows when the case will begin to rise.
Large-scale genome studies must be made to understand the threat of local mutations, “he said.
Sarnaik agreed that breakthrough infections had occurred but said that most of them were not serious.
He emphasized the aggressive contract search in arrival.” We must find infective people In the chain.
In the US, the Delta variant caused an infection breakthrough.
But 95% of them suffered a mild disease due to vaccination, “said Dr.
Sararna.vha Convener Dr.
Anup Marar said that the announcement by the Guardian minister marked the emergence of the third wave that leads to increased cases.” It takes one month for cases to rise after relaxation of restrictions .
The scenario is similar between the first and second waves.
Increased even though it looked gradual, sudden cases suddenly appeared.
The surge should not catch us unconscious as it happened during the second wave.
“Therefore, implementing limitation and logistical readiness will be needed because citizens are not serious and show concessions in obeying the behavior that matches Covid or even in vaccination,” he said.
He further said that Covid waves will continue to occur and citizens must understand that the appropriate behavior of Covid is here to stay.
It will not only prevent covid but also protects us from many other infections, “he said.
Databe District —————————— —————————————— ——– – Death —————— TESJULY 1 to 14 | —————– 310 —— —– 13 —————– 91.112August 1 to 14 | ————- 79 ——- —- 2 —————— 62.671SEPT 1 to 6 | ————- 42 ——- —- 0 —————— 26,805

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