After the festival assignment, 8,500 city police underwent a RT-PCR test – News2IN

After the festival assignment, 8,500 city police underwent a RT-PCR test

After the festival assignment, 8,500 city police underwent a RT-PCR test
Written by news2in

Nagpur: The Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) and City Police have started a mandatory RT-PCR test from all 8,500 police as an additional preventive step after the celebration that has just concluded.
On Wednesday, more than 3,830 police have been tested while the rest will be borne in the coming days.
None of them had tested positive since the beginning of the trip from September the second week.
CP Amitesh Kumar said that the plan to test all the police came from the fact that they could potentially operate without symptoms and, therefore, proactive precautions needed.
“The drive was launched after the police father, who has never stepped out, and 12 police who returned from Pune were tested positively,” said CP.
CP said that the police were also substantially exposed during GaneshotSAV Bandobast and Immersion, which “guarantees testing testing to find out a positive one of them, followed by the earliest isolation”.
Although all the police were fully vaccinated, the city of Kuningan wanted to make sure they did not become an operator.
Commissioner of the city of Radhakrishnan B said that the Civic body was ready to carry out as many daily tests as possible.
“We don’t leave anything to a coincidence.
We need such a measure to keep the case low,” said the civil head.
Sandeep Shinde, medical officer at the National Police Headquarters Hospital, said this drive in the continuation of testing began since the detection of 12 positive police.
11 Police were among 33 personnel who had returned from training at Pune.
All of them have been dismissed from the Covid MLA Hostel treatment center.
NMC has formed 14 teams for spot testing.
Of these, 10 teams visited the police station near their zone during the morning and night shifts.
Shinde said the drive was being carried out in accordance with CP instructions.
“The 24×7 unit is arranged at the police hospital on Jalan Katol for each police officer needs to be tested.
Additional staff have also been chosen to set five more units in each DCP zone office,” he said.
The medical officer said that during the second wave, 630 police had been tested positive while three had died.
One three died policemen had been tested positive after the other two accidents had comorbidity.
He said that 98% of the police and their families were vaccinated and only 2% of nursing mothers or allergic people were left.
City police have formed three teams.
“One of them is to search for contacts, one to manage the quarantine process and the other just to see the needs of the police and their families test positively,” Shinde said.
While other residents can be attached to 11:00, 24×7 open vaccination center) for police and family.
Shinde further said that 107 recruited at the RPT had been deployed on bandobast tasks in various places throughout the state.
“Of the 40 people deployed at Malegaon, someone has been tested positively.
He has shifted to MLA CCC,” Dr Shinde said.

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