After US forces left, focus on how the Taliban will face a challenge in front – News2IN

After US forces left, focus on how the Taliban will face a challenge in front

After US forces left, focus on how the Taliban will face a challenge in front
Written by news2in

Islamabad: Cheerful Taliban began to remove their weapons in the air across Kabul when some of the last American soldiers will leave the city airport, celebrate the exit of the United States as the defeat of the superpower who spent more than $ 2 trillion against the 20-year war.
In 2001, Western forces led by America came to Afghanistan to swipe the Taliban government and to hunt down the head of Al Qaeda Osama bin Laden, his colleagues and fighters, which they accused to carry out suicide attacks on the US target.
“Tonight at 12:00 a.m.
(Afghan) the last American army left Afghanistan.
Our country gained full independence.
Praise to God.
Congratulations to unite for all compensars!” Suhail Shaheen, a Taliban spokesman based in Doha, posted on Twitter.
Speaking to reporters at Kabul airport on Tuesday, Zabihullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman based in Kabul, said: “We have no doubt that the Afghan Islamic Emirates are a free country and sovereign.
This victory belongs to us all.
America is defeated and, on behalf of the nation I, we want to have good relations with the US and the whole world.
We welcome good diplomatic relationships with all of them, “he said.
“The Taliban victory is a lesson for other invaders,” Mujahid said.
With US withdrawal completion, the focus will now shift to how the Taliban, with the only authority, discuss some Afghan challenges, including whether they will allow foreigners and Afghans to leave the country.
Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, Deputy Chairperson of the group negotiator, said that those who have passports and visas can go abroad “with a dignified attitude and with peace of mind” when commercial flights began.
Taliban said they wanted to keep the airport open, but without logistical support and security guarantees, it seems that the commercial airline will not fly to the country.
Most basic infrastructure at Hamid Karzai Kabul International Airport has been described as damaged.
According to Taliban and US officials, it will take a long time to restore the airport.
The video shared on social media shows passenger space in chaos, broken doors, windows and ATM machines.
A pilot has reportedly said that the terminal building was discarded by passengers during the chaos of the early days of Taliban takeover.
Knowing the importance of a safe and functional airport, the group has approached Ankara and Doha to make the Operations of Kabul Airport back so Afghanistan can stay in touch with the world.
Taliban has asked Turkey to handle logistics while they ensure security, but Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has not received the offer.
“The Taliban has submitted a request on the operation of Kabul Airport.
They said,” We will ensure security and you can operate it ‘.
But we have not made a decision because there is always the possibility of death and things like that there, “Erdogan recently stated.
Many Afghans fear the repetition of the Taliban 1996-2001 regime, which is famous for the women’s hard treatment and a brutal justice system .
Taliban, however, has repeatedly promised more tolerant and open rules compared to their first assignment .
Fahim Dashti, a spokesman for the NRF, a group loyal to local leaders Ahmad Massoud, the son of Afghan warlord Ahmad Shah Massoud, said the fighting was going on at the west entrance to the Valley where the Taliban attacked the position of the NRF.
the attack was, said Dashti , disgust, with eight Taliban killed and some injured, while two members n RF hurt.
“Last night, the Taliban attacked Panjshir, but was defeated by seven dead and several wounds,” Bismillah Mohammadi, a member of the resistance movement that has served as Defense Minister under the President of Ashraf Ghani, said in a tweet.
“They retreated with heavy victims.” However, NRF claims cannot be independently verified.

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