Agriculture law removed: What’s behind the time? – News2IN

Agriculture law removed: What’s behind the time?

Agriculture law removed: What's behind the time?
Written by news2in

New Delhi: What can be the reason for the central to cancel three agricultural laws now, after playing hardball for more than a year? The announcement of PM Modi on Friday morning hit a soft tone, that many calls until now were not waracteristic from BJP.
“Today is Prakash Parv, it’s not the time to blame anyone.
I will ask all my farmer friends who protest – go home and your family and make a new start.
Whatever I do, I do for farmers and whatever I am Do it, I did, I did, I did for the country, “said Prime Minister at the address broadcast on television.
PM repeatedly said that the intention behind the agricultural law was honest and sincere, admitting failure to convince the farmer’s part.
Many contradictors are reading politics behind time and also the tone and tenor of the announcement of the prime minister.
The powerful block on the other hand has tried to sell it as a sensitive and humane Modi approach to the country farmers.
Read Alsorepeal from Agriculture Law: Worried on Punjab Drove Depubenew Delhi: Gurpurab Surprise PM Narendra Modi was driven by concerns over the fall of prolonged agitation in Punjab, border countries where the possibility of new dissatisfaction was seen as a problem problem.
It requires outreach urgent to the Sikh community because stir-sad shows why the government randomized now? * With Punjab scheduled to conduct future polls, political activities in this country are already in high gear.
The announcement of PM Modi on the morning Gurupurab will reach Sikh, which forms a significant segment of farmers who protest the Delhi border.
* This, coupled with the opening of Kartarpur corridor and PM Modi’s visit to Gurdwaras is likely to create a favorable vibration for BJP in Punjab and upper poll countries.
Read Alsofarm Law: ‘No government dares to bring full reform.
The provisions of central agricultural law may have been debated fiercely, but the decision to turn back the law is seen as a serious setback for agricultural reform, which may not be taken in the middle in a comprehensive way in the near future, fear of counterattack.
* By scoring the law, the government has avoided deadlock, or other liter flame points.
It also negates opposition opportunities using agricultural disputes as a rally point of up to 2024 Lok Sabha conducting a poll, * promised to establish a committee to strengthen MSP as a counter to the possibility of efforts to divert focus.
* There are also security considerations, because reports have emerged from the pro-Khalistan group funds protests and the involvement of the Spy Institution of the Pakistani body fill in using it to treat problems in punjab.

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