AHD: ‘28% path path interrupted with parking ‘ – News2IN

AHD: ‘28% path path interrupted with parking ‘

Ahmedabad: A study conducted by Cept University on Jalan Kota revealed that only 252 km from the city road network that had a path, which was 15% of the total length.
Of the total, around 71km or 28% cannot be used by pedestrians because the sidewalk is blocked by parking on the road.
This study is titled ‘Strategic Transportation Plan for Ahmedabad – Non-motorized transportation’ by Lakshmi R, is displayed as part of an ongoing summer exhibition, stating that from 775 accidents during the study period, 40% involved pedestrians or cyclists.
Cyclist is a higher loss with a bicycle track available only at 2% (18 km) from the city road.
This study recommends the construction of a 142km road arterial road, and 110 km of sub-arterial roads for pedestrian safety.
‘Upgrade the path in the core city area recommended.
The width of the path near the institution must be at least 3 meters, while it must be 2-3 m in the commercial area and 1.8 m in the housing area, ‘Study study.
The study also highlights the problem of very lacking cycling infrastructure in the city and recommends the construction of 107km tracks along the route with main road planning.
A plan was also made for SG Road.
Another study by Minal Shetty titled ‘Strategic Transportation Plan for Ahmedabad 2041’ Traffic congestion on city streets and argues that the majority of severe and fatal accidents occur around these points where there is a major intersection, changes in the width of the road or curve.
This study stated that of the 452 intersections in the city, only 244 had a traffic signal.
It is recommended to increase the number of signals for road safety.
The study also recommends reducing the size of the average block on the new road network and there is to improve the walkability and de-conmest roads.
The outside road has an average speed of 40-45kmph while in the city, traffic slows up to around 15-20 kmpj, this study was found.
Students also identify several points with frequent congestion and redesign the recommended traffic to resolve this problem.

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