Ahmedabad: 50 drones, brother confused … – News2IN

Ahmedabad: 50 drones, brother confused …

Ahmedabad: 50 drones, brother confused ...
Written by news2in

Ahmedabad: City residents will soon be subject to an unrelenting gaze from the brother, the presence that can be seen in George Orwell’s novel “1984”.
The Ahmedabad police have acquired 50 drones with a high definition camera to be deployed to keep an eye on the narrowest track, helping pursuits, and tambing patches and liquor omelette.
The top source at the Gujarat police said that drones were used in the pilot project for the 144th Yatra Rath.
The advantages provided by Drone persuaded the police to use technology as a routine problem.
“Drones will be used for various purposes.
For example, they can be employed in a hot pursuit,” said a Gujarat police officer.
Drones will make it unnecessary for the police to make actual pursuit in some cases.
“The police will secretly fly the drone and determine the hiding place,” the officer said.
He said when drones could not be heard, criminals won’t even know that they were being watched.
It is difficult for police to patrol in the walled city area.
These sites will be monitored by drones.
“This drone can oversee sensitive places and feed will be examined by the police in the control room,” the officer said.
“So, crime can be prevented and criminals can be arrested before they managed to escape.” On the privacy question, a senior police officer Gujarat said, “People who do not commit crimes do not need to worry about that.” 10,000 Body cameras for CopsahMedabad: Gujarat police finally bought around 10,000 cameras and will start using it in two months, an officer said.
“The camera will first be used by the Traffic Police AHMedabad and then by the police during patrolling and bandobust,” the officer said.
This body camera will have audio-visual features so that each incident can be recorded and a fair evaluation is carried out, the officer said.
The police have decided to make Constabulary and Traffic police wear a body camera to assess incidents and assign errors in cases of friction between police and citizens.
The case of quarrels between the police and the public has surged during the enforcement of the Covid Safety Protocol, locking, and curfew.
The proposal to acquire a body camera was carried out two years ago, but the green signal was only accepted by this parade.
This program will be implemented in the phase to cover all strength.
From Lakh Gujarat police personnel, around 80,000 police will eventually wear a body camera.

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