‘Air quality monitor in care centers to find sources of Mucor’ – News2IN

‘Air quality monitor in care centers to find sources of Mucor’

'Air quality monitor in care centers to find sources of Mucor'
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: A multi-city study of mukormycosis by researchers from all over India, including Hyderabad, has called on monitoring air quality in hospitals, especially the ICUS and Covid-19 treatment center, to find out the source of black mushrooms.
The death rate among patients with black fungal infections is 14%, much higher than SARS-COV-2 (Coronavirus).
The reasons behind the Sudden Spurt in the case of mukormycosis in the country during the second wave Covid-19 is unclear with scientists who postulate the theory that connects black fungal infections in Covid-19 patients to use medical oxygen from industrial oxygen plants, steroids, diabetes and hypertension.
None of them have been scientifically proven as Covid-19 patients, which are not in oxygen support or steroids, black mushrooms are too developed.
The case is also reported from non-diabetes patients.
With the causes behind black mushrooms in Covid-19 patients still avoiding scientific support, researchers, including those of five hospitals in Hyderabad, have now suggested that the supervision of air-quality hospitals was carried out.
The Hyderabad team was taken from Sarojini Eye Hospital, Center for Sight, Apollo Cancer Hospital, Mamata Academy of Medical Sciences, Citi Neuro Center and Virinchi Hospital.
As part of the observational study of patients with covid-19-related mukormycosis managed or managed jointly by ophthalmologists in India, the researchers explored data between January 1, 2020 and May 26, 2021.
Although the mukormycosis was present in the first wave, it took the centrestage of infection on the wave The second ongoing with the two countries Telugu reported around 4,000 cases so far.
The researchers say in the absence of diabetes, corticosteroids, and hospitalization, the risk of obtaining mucormosis is rare.
Future studies must overcome mucorcosis problems related to health care, including violations in aseptic prevention measures during hospitalization and air quality control in hospitals as a potential risk factor.
However, the team noted that corticosteroids and diabetes were the most important predisposing factors in the development of covid-19-related mucormosis.
“Covid-19 related mucormycosis needs to be handled aggressively as the disease itself with a joint effort of the multidisciplinary medical team and the government.
Accept the fact that Indians are inherently have the prevalence of higher diabetes mellitus, the tropical climate of predisposition to mukormycosis.
COVID cases 19 Will be severe will need corticosteroids for saving life, we can hope to continue to see mukormycosis in the coming days, “the researchers said in their research published in ‘The Indian Journal of Ophthalmology’.

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