Airofit – High-tech respiratory device – News2IN
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Airofit – High-tech respiratory device

Airofit - High-tech respiratory device
Written by news2in

While Europe has just passed the 3rd wave of Covid-19, India recently recorded 29 million cases of Covid – both only for the US.
Many patients suffered severe and weakening respiratory problems that lasted long after Covid-19 infection had passed.
Therefore it is important for these people to be supported in their recovery, using certain breathing rehabilitation, to fully restore the function of their lungs fulfill the airophyte pro airophyte pro is the only smart breathing muscle coach designed to make strong and more respiratory muscles efficient.
Personalized and targeted training program.
This device was originally designed and developed for patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and currently also widely used in patients’ rehabilitation with different respiratory complications.
Rehabilitation for patients after covid-19 “on the day I started training with my vital lung capacity (VLC) was at 0.7 liters.
I was practicing through the program and also by using the device when it was turned off.
So, I took the test and In the three weeks I switched from 0.7 liters to 3.5 liters, and it was a mind blowing …
So, there was no doubt that I gradually became better in breathing and also in terms of holding my breath “.
– Søren said, 52 years old, who is the Danish paramedic, and one of the users of Airofit Pro suffers from a persistent Covid-19 symptom, called “Long Covid”.
* According to whom rehabilitation for patients with lung disorders after Covid-19 must include increased physical exercise and fitness tolerance, which can be helped by respiratory muscle training (RMT).
Evidence from the RMT study with patients who have COPDs has shown that it reduces breathing discomfort by reducing the efforts needed to breathe.
For Covid-19 patients I think it must be in the procedure that every time you get out of the hospital you have to get airophytes for further training.” – Continued Søren, 52 years old, which is the Danish paramedic.
There is a strong indication that muscle training with Airoofit Pro can have a significant effect on patients suffering from COPD, asthma and patients who will undergo, or have undergone heart or stomach surgery.
Airofite users who suffer in this condition report that they can increase their vital lung capacity and general well-being within a few weeks after practicing with devices: using airophytes despite its sophistication, pro airofit is easy to use.
You can connect your airophytes to the accompanying mobile application to see your data in real time and track your progress by sending data automatically to your smartphone.
With a few simple steps, airophytes measure your current respiratory function.
This data is then combined with age, gender, height, and your weight to produce optimal training sessions.
Airofit provides personal resistance to your respiratory muscles to ‘work against’, just like lifting the burden.
Airofit Pro is perfect for helping men and women of all ages experience shortness of breath because of Covid-19, COPD, asthma and other conditions that affect breathing.
This is also a great tool to improve the performance of athletes from all capabilities.
* Resources: * Online Course “Clinical Management Patients with Covid-19: Rehabilitation of patients with Covid-19” by WHO Discolaimer: Content produced by Airofit

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