Airport officials in the case of sexual assault – News2IN

Airport officials in the case of sexual assault

Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: Head of Airport Airport Adani International Airport Trivandrum Limited (Atial), Giri Madhusudana Rao, who faced allegations of rape, surrendered before the police thumba on Thursday after his arrest was recorded.
Then on that day, the local court gave him a guarantee of two solvent securities each RS 1 Lakh.
R Rao’s mashed house inspector said that Rao dedied at the station at 9 am.
His actions were based on the conditions set by the State High Court while giving him anticipatory guarantee.
The court has also given custody accused by police for 10 days.
Which means the defendant must appear before the investigative officer every day for the next 10 days to work with the investigation.
The police have registered a case against Rao, 61 on Friday after his subordinates raised allegations of sexual abuse against him.
He filed his complaint in front of the police and the alial authority.
After the case registered, Atial has placed it under the suspension.
In his petition, Rao had refused the accusation to be wrong.
He stated that the woman raised the accusation when he refused to lend money to pay off his family’s debt.

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