Al-Qaida can attack us from the Afghan base next year, words say – News2IN

Al-Qaida can attack us from the Afghan base next year, words say

Al-Qaida can attack us from the Afghan base next year, words say
Written by news2in

Al-Qaida may be able to rearrange in Afghanistan and be able to regulate attacks in the US in one to two years, said two senior US intelligence officials.
“The current assessment may be, conservatively, is one or two years for Al-Qaida to build some ability to at least threaten the homeland,” Lieutenant General Scott Berrier, Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said at the intelligence conference on Tuesday.
“We are thinking of ways to get back access to Afghanistan with all types of sources and access,” said Berrier.
“We prioritize the effort.
We will continue to prioritize it.
But we must be careful to balance this very rare resource.” US intelligence agents have seen activities by terrorist groups that have been led by Osama bin Laden to rebuild himself in Afghanistan.
Said Deputy Director of CIA David Cohen, who agreed with the Timeline one to two years.
Also read the words will review the relationship with Pakistan in the light of double dealing.
Biden administration will review our relationship with Pakistan considering the support of Islamabad for Taliban terrorists while claiming to help Washington in Afghanistan, Secretary Antony Blinken told the US Congress.
Parliamentarians demanded more severe actions against Islamabad for subversiveboth intelligence leaders spoke at peak on Tuesday on the outskirts of Washington which was held by the intelligence and national security alliance and the AFCEA nonprofit group.
The top defense officials have insisted on the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan that the US will have the ability to “over-the-horizon” to understand what is happening in Afghanistan and taking action against terrorists, which will likely include drone attacks.
The National Intelligence Director Avril Haines on Monday said the biggest threat to the US from international terrorists came from countries such as Yemen, Somalia, Syria and Iraq, with Afghanistan further down the priority list after the presence of American forces two decades ended.
Read the webaqqani network induction in the new Afghan Govt Hopes.
Talibankabul: Induction of the Haqqani network in the new “Emirates of Islam” Afghanistan shows that all promises made by the Taliban that it will not provide a safe place for reducing the appearance of hard lines they have broken up.
Sirajuddin Haqqani, Deputy Leader of Taliban “We do not prioritize – at the top of the list – Afghanistan,” Haines said at the same conference.
“What we see is Yemen and Somalia, Syria and Iraq.
That’s where we see the biggest threat.” Domestic threat, Al-Qaeda’s general warning to regain its ability to stage attacks in the US from Afghanistan is not new.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told the Senate Committee in June that “it will take two years for them to develop that ability.” One more urgent threat comes from domestic terrorists in the US, intelligence officials say.
Law enforcement agencies are at a high warning in front of the planned rally for this Saturday at US Capitol.
The organizer said the rally was intended to demand “justice” peacefully for hundreds of “political prisoners” charged in deadly January 6 riots in the Capitol.
Click here to directly update the FBI not aware of the threat of special and credible violence ahead of the rally, Deputy Director of FBI Paul Abbat told the conference on Tuesday.
“We do not have information on specific credible threats about violence that might occur there,” said Abbat.
Law enforcement agencies are focused on preparation for the event, he said.
“There is a lot of planning and preparation that goes into this,” he said.
“I believe everyone is ready to keep the city and residents become safe.” Also read the big business, and grow rapidly at the Chaos’investigative Journalist, filmmakers and author of Adrian Levy, who specialize in Southeast Asia, talk to TOI + about Afghan’s new government, a strict arm of New Delhi, Pakistani dilemma, and what will be the head of security India, the main problem with Doval Ajit now.
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