Alaska faces ‘icemggeddon’ as a wild swinging temperature – News2IN

Alaska faces ‘icemggeddon’ as a wild swinging temperature

Alaska faces 'icemggeddon' as a wild swinging temperature
Written by news2in

LOS ANGELES: Extreme weather in Alaska who has brought a high-temperature record and heavy rain has left authority in the commemoration of North US North State “Icemageddon”.
The ice sheet blocking the road and queuing traffic in Fairbanks, Alaska’s second largest city, reported the State Transport Department, which has created a neologism – the game on “Armageddon” – to describe a cold deadlock.
“We experienced a series of unprecedented winter storms,” ​​Department Tweeted.
Scientists say burning fossil fuels that are not checked and other human activities change the climate, making it more unpredictable and vulnerable to wild swings.
Rick Thoman, a weather specialist at Alaska University, Fairbanks, called the condition of the last few days “very unusual”.
The hour after the thermometer on Kodiak Island in the south reached 19.4 degrees Celsius (67 Fahrenheit) – the warmest December temperature ever recorded in Alaska – the inside of the country saw 25 millimeters (one inch) fell only a few hours, destroyed in the decades.
Then when the temperature dropped again, everything froze.
Rainstorms are caused by the same weather system that brings soaring temperatures, transporting warm and humid air from Hawaii to the north end.
“This kind of thing – record high water content, warm air records – exactly as we expected, of course, in our warming climate.
The restless weather continues to play chaos with flights from Sea-Tac International Airport in Seattle, with hundreds of flights canceled or postponed this week.
In California, the snow and persistent rain also continue to cause problems, with local floods forcing evacuation in the areas around Los Angeles.
In the north of the country, Lake Tahoe tourism magnet – – where forest fires a few months ago caused Residents escape – have been buried in heavy snow, leaving some people cut off.
More than five meters of snow have now fallen on the parts of the Sierra Nevada mountains this month, all- time records, according to the Sierra Nevada Snow Laboratory at the University of California in Berkeley.

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