All India Kisan Sabha blames’tampering’ with Unique provisions for Covid in Lakshadweep – News2IN

All India Kisan Sabha blames’tampering’ with Unique provisions for Covid in Lakshadweep

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NEW DELHI: The AIKS — All India Kisan Sabha — that the farmers wing of the CPM therefore also have enticed Praful Patel, the new administrator of Lakshadweep of tampering with the unique conditions of the sensitive islands and its own inhabitants, such as flouting of all Covid standards that led to the deadly virus hitting the island which had zero positive instances till some weeks past. The islands which comprise the Union land”currently has tens of thousands of instances, since assessing of individuals for Corona virus, even at Kochi and on landing in Lakshadweep are done ,” explained Vijoo Krishnan, AIKS joint secretary. “The secretary Praful Patel promptly after assuming office in December 2020, was accepting contentious decisions. He unilaterally altered the Normal Operating Procedure (SOP) for preventing spread of COVID from the island,” said a statement issued Tuesday from AIKS leaders Ashok Dhawale and Hannan Mollah. In other words,”the unscientific shifting of this SOP saw an alarming increase in cases from zero 2020 to tens of thousands of instances today. The leaders have accused Patel of putting limitations on using alcohol and about purchasing of property in the oceans. “At the title of reforms and reforms the secretary is attempting to ruin the life and distinctive culture of the population of Lakshadweep,” that the AIKS pointed out. Lakshadweep was far protected under particular provisions in which liquor sales aren’t permitted, limitations on sale of property and on trip to the islands without any specific permission from the government. “The secretary has unilaterally raised the restrictions on usage of alcohol. This is contrary to the wishes of the people of those islands. The current laws have been changed unilaterally; brand new legislations have been levied with no such requirement from the grassroots and with no appropriate consultation,” the announcement said. The Lakshadweep Town and Country Planning Legislation 2021-TCPR 2021 has resulted in serious apprehensions regarding potential of indiscriminate property acquisition from the name of distinct actions, the left wing leaders also have stated. The statement cautioned the”it would open the doors for property acquisition for buildings, infrastructure, technology, mining, and quarrying and other similar operations on the rich and delicate islands by terming it beneath’developmental action’.” “Aside from exposing slaughter of cows, selling, transport and purchasing of dairy goods, such as bulls, bullocks, cows, calves, female and male buffaloes and buffalo calves, the new regulation proposes draconian punishment,” the announcement emphasized. Additionally, it pointed out ,”sheds for storage of both baits and other gear utilized by sailors were demolished from the new government on the basis that they breached the Coast Guard Act when these temporary structures were enabled as exemptions just to the fishing community, even because it’s the major livelihood for many local folks.”

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