Amazon App Quiz August 11, 2021: Get answers to these five questions and rs 15,000 in the Amazon payment balance – News2IN

Amazon App Quiz August 11, 2021: Get answers to these five questions and rs 15,000 in the Amazon payment balance

Amazon App Quiz August 11, 2021: Get answers to these five questions and rs 15,000 in the Amazon payment balance
Written by news2in

Amazon returns with another edition of the daily application quiz.
Quiz is available in the Amazon mobile application and offers participants the opportunity to win the Rs 15,000 in the balance of Amazon payments.
The daily application quiz consists of five questions based on general knowledge and current affairs.
A participant must answer all questions about the quiz correctly to qualify for gifts.
For those who are unconscious, the Amazon application starts every day at 12 am and continues up to 12 midnight.
Usually there is one winner of the quiz chosen through a lucky lottery.
The results of the quiz today will be announced on August 12.
Here are five questions from today’s quizzes along with their respective answers that can help you win the RS 15,000 in the Amazon payment balance launched in 2021, the biggest warship ever built for the British Kingdom Navy is named with whom? Queen Elizabeth Pulitzer Gift 2021 gave a special quote to which young women took out their cellphones to record the murder of George Floyd? Darnella Frazier, newly discovered frog species found in the Andes Mountains have been named after a famous band? Zeppelin LED What is the nickname of the German fighter pilot who became famous for flying a plane like this in World War I? Red Baron This dance form comes from which country? Spanish

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