Amazon users canceled the main membership after Jeff Bezos’s room trip; This is why – News2IN

Amazon users canceled the main membership after Jeff Bezos’s room trip; This is why

Amazon users canceled the main membership after Jeff Bezos's room trip; This is why
Written by news2in

Struggling with personal finance and not being ‘rich’ is one thing but when the richest person in the world rubs this personally by saying “Thank you for paying for space travel”, a debate is needed between ‘rich’ versus ‘poor’ level.
As soon as Jeff Bezos, the richest person in the world, enjoying his space and thanking Amazon employees and customers because of it, Amazon customers in the US reported canceling the main subscription.
The reason is simple.
There is no bitter feeling about Bezos enjoying an outer trigger.
But the fact that Bezos decided to thank employees and customers on Twitter to fund his trip to make Amazon Fume users.
“I want to thank every Amazon employee, and every Amazon customer, because you pay for all this …
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,” Bezo said after finishing his journey.
It’s somehow Bezos Quotejeff real: “I want to thank every Amazon employee, and every Amazon customer, because … Matthew Champion (@MatThewChampion) 1626796785000 Interesting,” Thank you “It doesn’t match Amazon customers in us.
According to the report by people in business, people are not happy with Bezos boasting about how he travels space with money from customers and the hard work of Amazon employees.
This message from Bezos makes people – People in the US are more angry after media reports highlight how Amazon’s delivery partners are forced to urinate in bottled water because they cannot afford time finding public toilets and use them because of ‘crazy’ work pressure.
People are also angry how Amazon treats warehouse employees he – people who really do all the boring scutwork that helps Amazon to provide products d Promised timeline nature.
“You, I just canceled Amazon’s first membership and was happy with it.
I was paying to shop on the website and / or for Zillionaire rocket trips.
Just have to tell my world,” said a customer at a Facebook group.
Other customers are quoted in a report by Business Insider who said, “First, realizing how this company negatively affected the publishing industry.
Then, finding poor treatment of warehouse workers.
Next, the more my consumer.
Having consumerism that really began to make me dirty .
“” Everything is a spectacle like one person who collects so much wealth so they only lose contact with reality for the average person, “said other Amazon customers.

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