America plans to spend billions of dollars against China – News2IN

America plans to spend billions of dollars against China

America plans to spend billions of dollars against China
Written by news2in

Washington: US plans a massive expenditure plan to fight China.
According to the Senate, China is the largest geopolitical and geo-economic challenges in America and pass ACT and US competition 2021 to spend more than $ 250 billion to ensure that the US remains above in terms of technology research and production.
The bill is a rare agreement between the Republic and Democrats.
In voting, 68 of the Senate 100 members support the size, with 32 against.
This senate is divided evenly between the Republicans and Democrats and experts say voting shows how the two political parties are united to the need to fight the Beijing economic and military ambition.
Supporters say this package is one of the largest industrial bills in US history and the largest investment in scientific research that has seen the state in decades.
The bill aims to strengthen American competitiveness with China with various steps.
The key idea is this, from section 3005, which reads: “The United States must ensure that all federal departments and institutions are held to reflect the fact that strategic competition with the PRC is the United States’s largest geopolitical and geo-economic challenges.” To meet the challenges, the Senate The authorities in a budget of $ 190 billion aim to increase R & D on a large scale at universities and other institutions and improve innovation in artificial intelligence, drones, and other technologies that appear.
To create an American version of China’s special economic zone, $ 10 billion must be invested in “regional technology hub”.
For domestic semiconductor production expansion, $ 52 billion has been provided.
More than $ 23 billion for space exploration and the development of the space industry has been intended.
The bill covers several Chinese specific provisions, including the prohibition of social media applications “tick tok” so as not to download on government devices.
The purchase of drones produced and sold by Chinese companies will also be blocked under the law.
Chinese organizations involved in US cyber attacks or theft of US intellectual property from US companies will also face sanctions.
The bill also called on sanctions on human rights violations in Xinjiang Province and violations against Uighurs were mentioned several times with diplomatic boycott from the upcoming Beijing 2022 winter Olympics.
The bill also provides a new study into the origin of Covid-19, specifically requires answers to questions if the virus comes from a laboratory or zoonosis.
China hit a bill that described that it was “exaggerating the ‘Chinese’ threat ‘” and scolding America to perceive Chinese “as an imaginary enemy.” Spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wang Wenbin suggested that the bill be able to endanger these efforts, by saying it was “full of cold wars and zero thinking and walking against public aspirations in both countries to strengthen the exchange and cooperation.” Content related to China from the bill What was passed by the US Senate distorted the facts and defames Chinese development paths and domestic and foreign policies, “he said.” This exaggerates ‘Chinese threat’, advocates traditional competition with China and seriously disrupts Chinese internal affairs in Taiwan.
“Separately, Secretary US defense Lloyd Austin also issued internal direction for several initiatives to fight China -Time to pay attention to how it would work.

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