American officials: US ‘full committed’ for F-35 sales to UAE – News2IN

American officials: US ‘full committed’ for F-35 sales to UAE

American officials: US 'full committed' for F-35 sales to UAE
Written by news2in

The United States remains “fully committed” for the sale of F-35 Stealth fighter jets proposed to the United Arab Emirates, although Biden’s administration slowed the agreement, an official export of the United States Tuesday.
Mira Resnick, a US assistant representative of the State Secretary in the Biden government, also told the Associated Press in Dubai Air showing that the Arab Gulf partner did not want to buy weapons from Russia as a fence for human rights in the region.
The high level of Russian delegation met Tuesday with a strong Abu Dhabi crown son, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan, at the Air Show, which highlighted Moscow competitors to the F-35, Sukhoi SU-75 Chatchmate.
“The F-35 is already in this region, whether Israel flew the F-35, whether it was F-35 America,” said Resnick.
“We want the UAE to be able to operate the F-35 in a way (they) can be our security partner and block threats, including from Iran.” The sales proposed 50 F-35 came at the end of President Donald Trump’s administration, raised an agreement that saw the UAE recognizing Israel.
Sales of $ 23 billion also include armed drones and other defense equipment sought by Emirates, a seven Shekhdom federation ruled by Herediasts, as well as home to Dubai.
After President Joe Biden came to the office, his new government put armor sales and the others were detained.
That some came for criticism of UAE and Saudi Arabia during their wars for years in Yemen, who had triggered the worst humanitarian crisis in the world and went berserk at this time.
Only Israeli flew F-35 in the region, part of the so-called “qualitative edge” provided by America after Israel against several wars on Arab neighbors since its establishment.
Resnick said he did not hear worries from Israel or other ally for the sale of F-35 to Emirates.
“We are fully committed to the F-35 and transferring the F-35, which is a modifier of the game for Emiratis,” he said.
“We worked with them when we talked to ensure that there was clarification for various guarantees made for previous administration.” Resnick refused to describe what clarification was searched for by America, or the guarantee of what Emiratis offered.
The UAE is also not discussing the terms of sales.
Human rights concerns have also affected the sale of weapons to neighboring Saudi Arabia under the Biden government.
Biden himself promised the campaign to make Prince Crown Saudi Mohammed bin Salman a “pariah” after US intelligence agents said they believed that he ordered the murder and cuts of the Washington Khashoggi party.
“We have worked with Saudi Arabia to ensure that they can defend themselves.
We know there are complications …
this relationship and in relationships around the world,” Resnick said.
“But we continue to reinvest and ensure that they can invest in their own defense.” The American ammunition fragment dropped by Saudi fighter jets has also been found on sites in Yemen where civilians die in royal bombing attacks.
Asked about the attacks, Resnick said that the US wanted to ensure American weapons “used in a way that advancing US national security”.
He said the US continued to work with partners to try to prevent civil killing.
When visitors entered the Dubai Air Show, they first saw the edge of the local Emirati Defense Company showing off its own various municis.
Both UAE and Saudi Arabia in recent years have tried to improve their own weapons industry to avoid seeing their inventory equipment disconnected due to Western concern.
Russia also tried to make the impression on the show, flying a new attack helicopter and showing off the gecko fighter jet in the presentation of the music-video style to the journalists in Tarmac.
But Resnick rejected the effort, by saying the flat that checkmate was “not a bit” ever appeared in discussions with emiratis.
“We haven’t seen a strategic competitor that can fill the type of role we play here,” said Resnick.

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