Amid fears of Afghanistan, India slammed the ‘state hospitality’ sir for terror groups – News2IN

Amid fears of Afghanistan, India slammed the ‘state hospitality’ sir for terror groups

Amid fears of Afghanistan, India slammed the 'state hospitality' sir for terror groups
Written by news2in

With concerns about installation of the possibility that Afghanistan can now be used as a launch of terror, India said in the UN Security Council on Thursday, the deteriorating security situation in the country since the Taliban takeover will only venture terror groups in the region, including Pakistan -Based Let and Jem, which Continue to enjoy “state hospitality”.
Chairing the UNSC event on the threat of terrorist acts, Foreign Minister S Jaishankar asked the council not to take a selective view of this issue because he underlined Indian concerns about developments in Afghanistan and sustainable efforts to fight terrorist activities originating from safe havens and sucquaries from all over Border.
Official sources say UN member countries join Indian calls for zero tolerance policies against terrorism in all forms and manifestations that lead to adoption “very strong, substantive and forward-minded” press statements that describe the main problem, especially to ensure.
“Tight check on terror financing and bring the actors of terror attacks for justice”.
“Is it in Afghanistan or against India, groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Muhammed continued to operate with impunity and encouragement.
Therefore, this vital board does not take selective, tactical or even self-satisfied with the problem What we face, “Jaishankar said.
“We may not give birth to sugesuaris for terrorists or ignore their increased resources.
And when we see the hospitality of the country extended to those who have the blood of innocent people in their hands, we should not lack courage to call this double talk.
We heard from the thieves From a pandemic attack that aggravates.
What applies to Covid is even more true about terrorism: no one is safe until we are all safe, “he added.
He said several countries continued to overthrow collective determination to fight terrorism.
While the Minister did not name Pakistan, he said it was a serious cause of fears that various terrorists such as ISIL, Al-Qaeda, let, JEM, Haqqani networks and their frontal organizations grow strongly and get new reasons “with impunity, encouragement and hospitality sponsored country “.
The minister said in the neighborhood near India itself, Isil-Khorasan (ISIL-K) has become more energetic, trying to constantly expand its tracks and what increases the activity of HAQQANI networks that are forbidden to justify Afghan’s anxiety.
Jaishankar remembers the 2008 Mumbai terror attack, 2016 Pathankot Airbase attack and 2019 suicide bombing in Pulwama and expressed solidarity and sympathy with the victims and their families.
He said India was at the forefront of global counter-terrorism efforts including under the auspices of the United Nations.
The minister chaired Bringan Open Unsc about ‘threats to peace and international security caused by terrorist acts’.
As a country that has undergotten the burducturism of cross-border, said the source, this will be a priority problem for India during his tenure on the Security Council as well.
India will lead the Terror Counter Unsc Committee in 2022, and hopes to build an increase from this event.
Jaisankar also called for a quick adoption of a comprehensive convention on international terrorism – tested by India, which is seen as the key to global counter-terrorism efforts in the future.
He also asked for consideration of the board about the “action plan of eight points” about terrorism he had announced earlier this year and encouraged member countries to collectively build these principles.

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