Amit Shah emphasizes the security of the sea-sea border, saying ‘no weakness’ is acceptable – News2IN

Amit Shah emphasizes the security of the sea-sea border, saying ‘no weakness’ is acceptable

Amit Shah emphasizes the security of the sea-sea border, saying 'no weakness' is acceptable
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Placing the emphasis on the land and sea border of Union Minister of Home Amit Shah on Saturday said that “no disadvantages” on this land can be accepted.
When speaking on the 51st foundation of the Police Research and Development Bureau (BPR & D) held in New Delhi, the Minister of Home Affairs also focused on the security of residents for the progress of democracy in the country “land and sea borders must be safe and there should be no weaknesses On the land, “said Minister at home.
Shah also said that democracy does not only mean choosing leaders through polls but also that selected leaders ensure the security of citizens.
“This helps in the progress of democracy,” he added.
The Interior Minister said that BPR & D has played a key role in connecting police organizations for legal management and order.
Shah also mentioned that there was a need to improve the image of the police, which conducted the heaviest work among all government employees, among people.
He especially praised Beat Constables’s efforts, by saying they played an important role in the success of democracy.
“Government employees do the heaviest work in the police organization.
They don’t get leaves in Diwali, Rakshabandhan, and many more opportunities.
I think they do the hardest work done among government employees,” Shah said.
“I don’t know why, but efforts are made to slander police, you can say that there are campaigns.
Some incidents were exaggerated and some other good incidents were not given space.
The most difficult work throughout the government system was carried out by police personnel,” he added The minister further mentioned how 3,700 Naxals had given up in the last few years under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and added that they would be brought back to the mainstream.
The minister at home also said that BPR & D must change according to the needs of the clock.
“I attached to more than 80 institutions.
Institutions must change themselves according to the needs of the clock.
Such organizations get fame and interest when they continue to change as needed.
I have written in the visitor’s book here at BPR & D at the same time that we can’t Do it, expect a good police without BPR & D, “he concluded.

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