Amruta Fadnivis sent legal notifications to Malik – News2IN

Amruta Fadnivis sent legal notifications to Malik

Amruta Fadnivis sent legal notifications to Malik
Written by news2in

Mumbai: After NCP Minister Nawab Malik and former Minister of Main Devendra Fadnivis exchanges allegations, the legal battle seems to have started between their family members.
The former CM wife, Amruta, on Thursday issued a legal notice to Malik because it accused them of having a relationship with drug vendors, while Malik’s daughter Nilofer on Thursday served a notification to Fadnivis to declare Malik’s son-in-law Sameer Khan found with drugs.
in his ownership.
On November 1, Malik had tweeted several photos of Devendra and Amrutis Fadnivis with Jaideep Shutter and claimed the shutter was a known and current drug vendor in prison guards based on the NDPS law.
Fadniv then stated that Malik Sameer Sameer Khan’s sons were found with the medicines he had.
Amruta Fadnivis asked Malik to remove the “Tweet slander” within 48 hours and tender apologies unconditionally to him, also within 48 hours.
Nilofer, on the other hand, asked Fadnivis to submit an uncurduce apology to make “unfounded accusations” to her husband and pay Rs 5 Crore because of “mental torture, suffering, financial losses, and injuries caused in their reputation in it 15 days.” Fadnivis’s wife showed that Malik’s tweet had slander in nature.
“My client is an Indian banker, a socialist and social activist who has a great reputation in the field, and her husband is an opposition leader and former main minister, a generous, who is actively involved in politics for the only goal demanding downtrodden.
Tweet slanderously Has resulted in the image of Amruta Fadnivis and his family in general, “he said.
“Malik’s tweet suggested that my client have a connection with the drug vendors.
All Malik’s press conference was uploaded on his Twitter handle.
Malik made allegations unfounded, and it was done for cheap political mileage and the only intention to distract from errors And the failure of the MVA government.
Photos were clicked during the event held for river conservation.
It was four years ago.
Rana was employed by the event organizer, “he said.
Nilofer stated, “the accusation was unfounded and without benefit.
The Chargesheet submitted by the NCB did not support the single alleged leveled by Fadnavis.
Pancanama on January 14 must clearly say the house was sought and no coverage / suspicious agent found in my house or at home under his ownership.

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