Android users, Google Play Store changes in a big way – News2IN

Android users, Google Play Store changes in a big way

Android users, Google Play Store changes in a big way
Written by news2in

Google changes the way the Android application you download from the Google Play Store is a big way in August.
For starters, Google is the Killing APK file format.
This does not mean that all existing APK-based files and applications will stop working.
However, all new applications that will be published on the Google Play Store must be in the AAB format or Android App bundle.
Google talks about AAB for the first time in 2018 and now implements it.
As for the APK format, Google offers it slowly.
Before we arrive at what AAB actually, note that this step aims to make the Android application perform better on top-class phones.
Also, the AAB application will take a little storage.
What is the Android or Aabandroid application bundle equipped with support for more than 100 languages, various CPU architectures such as – ARM V7, ARMV8 along with Intel X86, and different screen resolutions.
Now, the application developer needs a support bundle for this broad combination into an APK application.
This means that your cellphone contains many unnecessary codes of every application that you download produces greater results and also consumes more storage space.
This is one of the biggest disadvantages of apk files and Google tries to change with AAB format.
With Android App Bundle (AAB), Google will use “Split APKS” and the Google Play Store will launch the right code that is right for your device and will not give anything extra.
If your device is based on the ARMV8 CPU architecture, with Google AAB will only provide packages for ARM V8 when downloading certain applications and not all APK files consisting of support for ARMV7, ARMV8 and Intel X86 architecture.
What advantages of using Aabaab will lead to smaller size applications that perform better on all Android phones with different hardware specifications.
More importantly it will help Google save money on bandwidth.
For end users, they can expect a maximum storage savings of 15%.
So, instead of the 100MB application, with the application bundle, it will be reduced to 85MB.
But for Google, it makes sense.
With Google application bundles it is expected to save bandwidth petabytes every day.
Also, AAB will give Google more control of the Play Store.
AAB is an open source but the non-Google App Store needs to have the ability to process applications in the cloud and send to the appropriate end users.
For Google, this is easy because it has an open source application “Bundlelool” itself to help in the process but a third-party application store will need its own cloud infrastructure and pay the server and also handle the application signing.
This means you can expect more developers to store third-party application stores and choose the Play Store, if they want to distribute their application to a large android ecosystem.

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