Angel Investors Woman Driven from Letsventure – News2IN

Angel Investors Woman Driven from Letsventure

Angel Investors Woman Driven from Letsventure
Written by news2in

Bengaluru: Investment Platform Angel Letsventure’s Women Investor Network (WIN) has created a structured cohort-based learning program to encourage more women to participate in angel investments.
Shanti Mohan, founder of Letsvenure, said when they saw their portfolio earlier this year, they found the platform having investors from 55 countries, and less than 1% of investors were women.
There are less than 25 women’s investors.
“The idea of ​​our program is to introduce more women to angels investing, source & evaluation of agreements, up to the thorough test of law and finance, and build their personal brands as angel investors,” he said.
Mohan has set a target.
Register 100 Angel Women, 5 Syndicate Leads, and 2 Women’s General Partners this year.
Win concluded his first cohort in June with 34 female participants, of which had succeeded in writing their first check and now became an Investor Active Angel.
Ten women write two or more checks.
About 5% of women have shown interest in writing an inspection for the growth startup.
The second cohort began in September.
Shalini nautiya, the senior product manager in Amazon in Berlin, is part of the first cohort.
He had started the platform of the discovery of hyperlocal activity in 2013 obtained two years later.
“MasterClass (Letsventure) is very helpful, placing the spotlight on the investment thesis, evaluating the agreement, understanding how syndication works, and t is the role of the main investor.
We also get lowdown on what the total markets are available, markets available that can be serviced, and the market It can be expanded, “he said.
Sangeetha Baburaj, a senior product specialist in Indian SAP Labs which is part of the cohort, said he still considered himself a beginner in investing Angel.
He was excited about opportunities at HR Tech, AR and VR.
“We learn the basics of investing and have prepared us to ask the right questions and to evaluate the Sans Jargon agreement,” he said.

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