Antitrust Watchdog British investigates the agreement of the nuances of Microsoft – News2IN

Antitrust Watchdog British investigates the agreement of the nuances of Microsoft

Antitrust Watchdog British investigates the agreement of the nuances of Microsoft
Written by news2in

LONDON: The British antitrust regulator opened an investigation into the acquisition of Microsoft $ 16 billion from Nuance in the introduction of speeches in the latest sign they tightened the supervision of large technology offers.
Competition and Market Authority said in a short statement Monday that it looked into purchases because it was concerned that it could lead to “reduction of substantial competitions’ on the market in the UK.
Redmond, Microsoft Corp.
based in April, bought Nuance Communications Inc., a person Pioneer in sound-based intelligence technology Following the purchase of $ 26 billion from LinkedIn $ 26 billion in 2016.
Burlington, the feel of Massachusetts-based has around 7,100 employees, more than half outside the US England regulator has stepped the acquisition related to technology.
Last month, the competition authority ordered Facebook to cancel Giphy purchases and sell F platform shares GIF because it finds a competition agreement for animated images and hurts social media users and advertisers.

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