Antony Blinken faces a new round of Afghan’s hard questions in Congress – News2IN

Antony Blinken faces a new round of Afghan’s hard questions in Congress

Antony Blinken faces a new round of Afghan's hard questions in Congress
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: State Secretary Antony Blinken faced the second day of the congress questions that were strong about the withdrawal of Biden who were criticized by Afghanistan.
Testify before the committee of the Senate Foreign Relations on Tuesday, Blinken tried to fend off a new wave of Bipartisan Parliament members of anger over operation which resulted in the expression complete by the Taliban, and had left many American citizens, green card holders and Afghanistan at risk stranded in the country.
The top two committee members, New Jersey Democrat Bob Menendez and Idaho Republican James Risch, both attacked withdrawals as a disaster in their opening comments.
Withdrawal “clear and fatal defects,” said Chairman of the Menendez Committee, who generally supported President Joe Biden’s foreign policy but had taken problems with several aspects, including Afghanistan.
“The withdrawal is a gloomy failure,” Risch said, GOP members ranking from the panel, accused the administration of the “inability” of which had cost international credibility, causing deadly attacks on US forces and Afghan civilians in Kabul.
Airport and leave a lot in trouble.
As he did on Monday in a trial that was often debated before the DPR’s foreign affairs committee, Blinken tried to deflect criticism and maintain the administration of the best that could be done by a very trying and chaotic situation.
Blinken again blamed the Trump administration for the 2020 February peace agreement with the Taliban he said had binded Biden’s hand, and the rapid and unexpected collapse of the Afghan government and security forces which led to the Taliban takeover on August 15.
“Even the most pessimistic assessment does not predict that government forces in Kabul will collapse while US forces remain,” he said.
“They focus on what will happen after the United States withdraws, starting September and so on.” The Department of Foreign Affairs has been under severe criticism of both parties because it did not do enough and did not act quickly to make people out of the country after the Taliban controlled Kabul, strengthening his relationship in the country before the US withdrawal settlement in August 30.
Blinken defends withdrawal and The end of the American longest run as “the right thing to do” after 20 years.
And, he noted that despite experiencing heavy trouble the US and his allies managed to evacuate around 124,000 people.
“Evacuation is an extraordinary effort – with the most difficult conditions that can be imagined – by our diplomats, military and intelligence professionals,” he said.

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