Brotherhood of film and fans have not recovered from the sadness of the Kannada Superstar Pueeth Rajkumar Demise prematurely.
The 46-year-old actor died on October 29 because of a fatal heart stop.
Actress Anupama Paramesiswaran, who has worked with the final actor in the film 2019 ‘Natasaarvabhowma’ has written a careful note while paying tribute.
“Apppu Sir ♥ ️ Shruthi will always miss the wagan …
How can’t you get your warm hug again, sir ……
indeed heartbreaking …
very broken ….
still struggling to accept this ..
love you sooo sooo much apppu pack soooooo …
prayer and a lot of strength for the family and dear ….
Always a fan appu , “said Anupama Parameswaran, in a note.
See this post on Instagram Posts that are streamed by Anupama Parameswaran (@ anupamaparameswaran96)
Anupama has also shared his favorite scene from the film.
In certain scenes, the character of Anupama was seen saying goodbye to Puneeth.
The soul stirring scene at the airport has left fans in unexpected emotions.
“This scene is one of my favorite scenes until the day …
and the most beautiful part of it is Appu Sir and his innocent smile …
My heart hurts …
Really blessed has worked with extraordinary humans …
♥ ️ Appu sir …
Meet you on the other side , “he wrote.
See this post on Instagram Posts that are streamed by Anupama Parameswaran (@ anupamaparameswaran96)
“Miss You Power Star,” wrote a fan, while several other people confirmed that the final actor would continue to control their hearts forever.
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Despite being an idol matinee and comes from the legendary lineage, Puneeth Rajkumar is humble.
The Power Star not only won thousands of hearts with his famous career, but also his loving personality.