Apple doesn’t want you to use an iPhone with a crack screen, this is how to stop you – News2IN

Apple doesn’t want you to use an iPhone with a crack screen, this is how to stop you

Apple doesn't want you to use an iPhone with a crack screen, this is how to stop you
Written by news2in

Apple iPhone in the future can come up with a system that will tell users about a damaged look using a crack detection resistor.
In a patent that has been given to Cupertino-based technology giants by patents and US trademarks, the company highlights how it wants to offer a mechanism that will solve problems with cracks without attention on the iPhone display or hold those who choose to continue using the iPhone that has a damaged display .
According to a report by Apple Insider, the appearance of a patent electronic device – titled with monitoring circuits utilizing a cracked detection resistor – Apple wants to add a part called “bent tail part” to the edge of the screen.
This section will then be used for the interface with the handset system to tell users about the display of crackers.
How can it work? Apple wants to put the resistor sensing strains along with the temperature compensation resistor to make “soaring winding metal trail.” Patent said that strain measurements could be obtained by reducing temperature compensation resistance from strain sensing resistance.
This basically means that a warm look may be more flexible and therefore more likely to crack than the cold version.
Patents also mention the cracked detection line “formed from a loop-shaped signal path with two parallel metal traces that run along the periphery of the active view area.
Crack detection circuits can use resistance monitoring circuits to measure resistance changes in one or more segments of the cracked detection line It is a crack indication on the line and in a structure elsewhere on the screen.
“With simple words, the device will be able to check the resistance of the crack detection line to find out whether the handset has a gap on the screen or not.

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