As a case, + Sauce Raju Vity, Delhi must open? – News2IN

As a case, + Sauce Raju Vity, Delhi must open?

As a case, + Sauce Raju Vity, Delhi must open?
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Should Delhi follow English and European countries in easing restrictions imposed to curb the spread of Covid-19? With the case of stabilizing and hospitalization in the examination, many people demand this and the Delhi government also benefit it.
“Covid’s lift level has been reduced by 20% in the last 10 days.
Today, around 10%, opposed the 30% lifespan level on January 15.
All of this is because of the consistent vaccination rate,” said Minister of ARVIND KeRriwal chairwal on Tuesday, Adding that the government will immediately try to lift the limit and bring life back to normal.
CM statements came on the day when Delhi recorded 6,028 new Covid-19 cases with a positive rate of 10.55%.
The city also recorded 9,127 recovery, lowering active cases to 42,010.
Thirty-one deaths pushed the total death to 25,681.
NK Mehra, a leading immunology and former AIIMS Dean, told TI that restrictions had to go, even though gradually.
“More than 90% of adult populations in India have received at least one dose of vaccines.
More than 70% have been fully vaccinated.
Also, available data so far shows that the omicron variants do not cause severe symptoms in many cases.
So we need to move forward To lift the limit, “he added.
However, Mehra suggested not to follow the British model where even the mask rules were removed.
“Wearing masks in public places and maintaining social distance must continue.
This will serve two goals – first, it will limit the spread caused by the omicron variant, and second, preventing the emergence of a new variant due to prolonged viral circulation,” he said.
The British government, citing data that shows infection has peaked, has raised its guidelines that advise people to work from home and from next week people no longer need to use a mask in any setting.
Dr K Srinath Reddy, President of the Indian Community Health Foundation, said that some limitations can be removed, but other steps need to be continued for several months.
“Schools, colleges, offices and businesses can continue their work.
However, wearing facial masks must continue when people are outside their homes.
Crowding must be avoided, especially in the room,” he told toi.
“Because the pandemic starts, England has a Yo-yo attitude, swing between locking and fully opening, and has paid prices with a high mortality rate.
High vaccination rates, including booster, offering the Protection of the British population better against severe diseases and care Inp.
We, in India, still need to achieve a 90% double vaccination rate for people who qualify and protect the vulnerable part with the third dose.
This will take several months.
Until then, we need to contain transmissions through the use of mandatory masks and avoid events Super-spreader, “Reddy said.

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